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So, here is the third part of this book. I hope you like it!

There are mentions of bullying (spreading nude photos) so If you don't' want to read about that, just skip the part that is between the two (-<>-) -marks.

My feet hurt. We had been walking for about an hour to get to the ponies and the dwarves walked surprisingly fast. I hardly could keep up. My poor human feet were not used to this amount of walking in conditions like this. Finally, Thorin said that we would stop and I sat down immediately after, not even stepping off the path.
"Don't smirk Kili, my feet aren't as used to walking as yours. Especially in shoes like this." I pointed at my feet. I was wearing a pair of some kind of boots, my sneakers were in my backpack. I tried to hide my fear and uncomfortable feelings in a mask of sarcasm and witty remarks. The nightmares and memories didn't stop haunting me and I was desperate to distract myself from them. I laid myself on my back and looked at the trees on top of me. Sunlight was shining through them. Suddenly, something, or someone, blocked my view.
"So Bea, Kili and I were hoping that we could learn to know you a little better. Can you tell us something about yourself?" I groaned and got up, looking annoyedly at the older prince, but secretly happy about the option to distract myself.
"Fine. What do you want to know?" Kili smirked.  "Oh no, what is he going to ask me?" 
"What is it like being a woman?" I looked at him, raising my eyebrows.
"Seriously, that is your question?" Fili covers his face with his hands. "Aw, he is embarrassed. But I kinda understand why he would ask me that."
"Well, it is fun. But also sometimes very annoying. Where I come from, women have things pretty good. Sure, there are always problems with sexist men but we rise above it and keep living our lives. Did that answer your question?" His eyes are filled with curiosity.
"Where are you from? Like really?" I knew it would come up eventually.
"I'm from another world. It's very different than this one." Kilis eyes become even wider and he asks another question,
"Where is it? How did you get here? Is it better than this world?" I wince at the second question but answer anyway.
"I don't know where it is. I have no idea. And ... I have no idea how I got here. All I remember is going under the surface of the water in my old world, then waking up on the beach." Their eyes widen and I hurry to continue. "I'm not sure that it is better than this world. But I don't know that is it worst than this either. I think they have both their traits. We should go, Thorin is calling us." I get up hurriedly, leaving the stunned brothers behind. I heard them whispering behind my back, I could swear that I heard the words drown and water, but I quickly forgot about it after I saw the ponies.

"This one is for you, Beatrice. Her name is Holly." "I have asked countless times to be called Bea but most of the dwarves do call me that. But Thorin 'too majestic to use nicknames' Oakenshield still uses the longer name." Thorin hands me the reins of a brown pony.
"Why does she get the biggest pony? She is a lass, she can take one of the small ones." I hear someone complaining.
"She gets it because she is the tallest. We don't want the ponies to get exhausted by carrying a too big of a load." Thorin's voice is stern and he climbs on to his pony, pulling its head up quite harshly and turning it around, urging it forward so he is at the front of the line. I turned towards my pony. She is so pretty, a chestnut mare with a wide marking going along its face. I had ridden for a few years when I was a teenager so riding wouldn't be a problem. The problem was how I would get to the saddle. "Great gods of riding, please help me so I don't completely embarrass myself." I prayed in my mind while putting my foot in the stirrup and hoisting myself up. "Thank god, I did it." 
"Saddle up, we are leaving now." I frowned and gently pushed my heels to my pony's sides and she started walking steadily. I stopped her close to Thorin's pony.
"What about Bilbo?"
"What about him?" His tone of voice was harsh.
"We won't wait for him?" I was sure he would show up, because, well, the book and the movies. "No. If he doesn't show up soon we leave without him." I nodded and steered Holly next to Fili and Kili. I smirked at them because I was higher up.
"So, do you think Bilbo is going to show up?" They shook their heads. My smile widened.
"I think he will."
"Do you wanna bet on it lass?" A voice came behind me. I turned around to meet Bofurs eyes. "What?"
"I said, do you wanna bet on it?" I lifted my eyebrow, a gesture I had been doing quite often in the company of the dwarves. "He doesn't remember that I am a "psychic"  I gave him an innocent smile
"I would love to, but unfortunately, I don't have any money." Filis and Kilis faces were full of mischief, and it told me that they remembered my abilities as clear as day. Bofur however, was completely oblivious and apparently had no memory of my abilities, because the next thing he said was
"Okay, listen here lass. If you win, I give you thirty coins. However, if I win, you will have to give me a kiss on the cheek." Bofur looked confident but I knew that Bilbo would show up, so I felt a little guilty when saying "Deal" and offering my hand to him so we could shake them. The company had started moving and we were a little behind, so we urged our ponies to walk faster. Then we head it. A faint "wait".

Washed up - A Hobbit storyWhere stories live. Discover now