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Here it is, the sixth chapter! This one took a little bit longer to write because I had a massive writer's block with the beginning and school work as well. 

There is some violence in this (burning someone) so I'll mark the spot with (-<>-) if you want to skip it. Enjoy! Don't forget to comment and tell me what you liked and disliked. 

I got up from the sand for the fifth time and shot Dwalin and annoyed look. I hadn't pictured training to be like this. I knew some defense moves Fili, Kili, and Ori had taught me. My only weapons were a tiny slingshot that Ori had made me and a knife from Fili. But they were no match for Dwalins axes. He seemed to think that they were the perfect weapons against a girl that knew as much about writing as she knew about the history of Poland. And still, I got up and attacked him again, only to find myself lying on the sand again. I groan and get up again.
"You left your right side without defense again." His voice is stoic. I'm slowly starting to lose my cool with the whole flying to the sand thing and my arms are hurting.
"How am I supposed to learn anything if you don't tell me how I should defend myself?" Dwalin looked at me, annoyed.
"I didn't want to teach you." I roll my eyes.
"I figured that out after my third dive to the sand. But this doesn't work. This is like you handing me your violin and punching me every time I get a note wrong." His eyes still looked at me and he didn't even try to hide his emotions.
"What should I do then?" His voice was still as cold as a rock and he glared at me. I pointed at his axes.
"It would be a lot easier for me to train if I wasn't worried that you might chop my head off with those. I know that you wouldn't do that but I'm still nervous." He hesitantly put them down and grabbed a small sword.
"Thanks. Now, how do I cover both of my sides?" After that, the training went quite well. I still lost every time, but I was actually learning something. After a quite intense training session with Dwalin, we rode off again until it became dark. 

I sat under an overhang between Fili and Kili. Then we heard the scream. "Orcs." 
"What was that?"
"Orcs." Bilbo jogged towards us, fear clouding his vision.
"There are dozens of them there. They come out at night." Fili said and after a while of looking at terrified Bilbo, he and Kili chuckled. I was sleepy but I kicked him into his chin and shot him a disapproving look. Thorin's voice came from behind us.
"Do you think that's funny? Do you think that a night rade of orcs is a joke?" His voice was cold and the brothers looked at their feet.
"We didn't mean anything by it." "Of course you didn't, you know nothing of the world." This was exactly the same conversation that there was in the film. I started to nod off and laid my head against Filis shoulder, closing my eyes. I was nearly asleep when I heard  Bilbo ask about Azog. My eyes shot open and I hear Thorin's footsteps coming closer and him spitting out,
"That filth died of his wounds long ago." My insides felt cold and I raised my eyes to his. He must have seen my gaze because the next thing he asked was
"What is it, Beatrice?" His tone of voice was polite but his face revealed that he was done with nonsense for this night. I swallowed hard and answered him.
"He is alive. Azog is alive. That is him and the orcs that follow him that are out there. He is not going to attach tonight but he will eventually. So, just so you know to be prepared, he has a hooked weapon as a hand and he rides a white warg. And, please,  call me Bea." With that, I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to Fili. He was so warm. 

The next day I trained with Fili and Kili. The training with Dwalin still hurt my muscles but I did it anyway. I won a few of the training matches but I knew they were letting me win. I still appreciated the gesture and didn't say anything about it.
"Do you know anything about hand-to-hand combat?"
"I know at least something."
"Good, let's train that a bit." Kili and I settled up against each other. I was a little longer but he was heavier than me and obviously, had more muscles than me, so I thought I was going to end up on the sand, again. Surprisingly, after a few punches, I was able to grab Kilis arm and throw him over my shoulder to the ground. Fili looked at me in shock and I quickly ran next to Kili, offering my hand to him.
"I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to!" He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up. He didn't look annoyed, quite the opposite.
"That is so awesome! How did you do that?" Jumping around me, he begged me to teach him. "Please, please teach me how to do that!" My eyes met his.
"You want me to teach you something?"
"We want oy to teach us that." Fili had walked up to his brother's side.
"Oh, okay. Well, how you wanna do this? Which of you wants to throw me first?" Kili was jumping on his toes and I looked at Fili. He gestured to him with a wide smile on his face.
"Kili, come here." As he walked closer, I reminded myself of how I did it. "So, hand there and hand there and move with the leg."
"Okay, Kili, put your left hand here and right hand here. Then, move your leg up a little to the back and up and then push with it, while using your hands to throw me over your shoulder." He tried but I didn't budge.
"Left hand a little higher. And use your leg with a little bit more force." I still stood on my feet. "Okay, Fili come here. So, I'll show you." I walked in front of Fili and grabbed his hands. I slowly moved my leg up, so Kili would be able to catch up and twisted my hips while using my hands to throw him over me like I did to Kili.
"Did you get it?" I helped Fili up. He nodded and I walked up to him, allowing him to grab me. This time he did it and threw me into the stand. I landed with an "Umph"  but climbed up quickly and smiled,
"You did it! Fili, it's your turn." The bigger of the brothers walked closer to me and I instructed him as I did with Kili. He nailed it with his first try. I was lying in the sand again. I groaned and got up.
"Did I hurt you?"
"I'm fine, just getting a little tired to all this lying on the sand." I took their hands and they pulled me up.
"Fili, Kili, come and train with us! Don't waste your time on that lass." "Fucking Nori, does he ever shut up. I can't believe that he is still pissed about that water incident. Gloin apologized to both of us on the following morning."
"Go, I'll go and talk to Bilbo." I dust off my clothes and walk up to him.
"Go hang with the other misfit," Nori mutters. It was obviously meant only for Fili and Kili but I heard it anyway. I turned around, my eyes were probably shooting flashes of lighting as I looked at him because I saw his face got clouded with fear for a brief moment. Then, I turned around and walked to Bilbo. We started talking and continued until Thorin yelled us to saddle up. I shoved my anger away, I didn't want to unleash it on poor Bilbo. But I was still pissed. Like, super pissed.

Washed up - A Hobbit storyWhere stories live. Discover now