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I promised myself that I would do my best to update this during the summer. Well, that didn't work, so let's try the winter instead!
I don't have a lot to write anymore, just the battle of the five armies actually as well as an epilogue that I have been planning.
But here is the thirty-first part of this, I hope you enjoy! It's still not the full-on battle, those will come later, but the dark clouds of war are slowly gathering and I am getting exceedingly nervous as I don't really shine while writing battle. But I'll figure something out. (Hopefully.)

I can't think of any warnings for this one. If you think it does, tell me and I will add them.

Fili's POV

The screech was not one of pain, it was one of fury. I glanced at Kili, who was starting to lose the mischievous look in his eyes and started to look nervous.
"Will you tell me now what you did?" He still shook his head furiously, the nerves now really starting to show on his face. He was fiddling with his sleeve, swaying from his toes back to the heels of his foot. The things he did when he felt guilty had not changed since he was a child, and I rolled my eyes.
"Your loss, I cannot protect you from uncle's wrath if you won't tell me what you did." I shrugged, still watching him from the corner of my eye. Kili shifted on his feet and glanced into the hallway Bea had disappeared into.
"It's not uncle I am afraid of right now." My eyes squinted, and I crossed my arms across my chest, staring at him.
"Kili, what did you do?" I demanded. Bea was quick to temper and I really wanted to know what Kili had done. Because if it was something truly serious, I would just hand him over to Bea. I did not want that woman being mad at me. I had seen her glares towards Thorin, she was scary.

But before Kili could answer, Bea appeared into our sight, dripping wet, only thing covering her a towel. I could feel my face growing red as I absentmindedly followed the droplets of water trailing down her neck and shoulders before I realized I was staring. But her almost-nakedness wasn't the most shocking thing about her. No. Her hair was bright red. Not a gentle, soft red, but a fiery, rosebud red. I would never say it out loud, but she looked like her head was on fire. But judging by the glare she was giving to Kili, it might as well have been. The look she had on her face was terrifying, the controlled anger wasn't fooling anyone.
"When I get my hands on you, Kili, I swear you are going to regret that you were born." Her voice was calm, deceptively calm, and I don't think nothing could have been more terrifying, and she squeezed the towel to her chest tightly, her fingers turning white. In my opinion, the red hair suited her quite well, but seeing how angry she was, I decided that it would be the best if I kept my mouth shut on the matter.

It was Ori who decided to open his mouth first.
"Bea, your hair is-" He was cut off by an angry hiss.
"RED! I know!"

Bea's POV

My hair was red. It was not subtle red, like strawberry blond or auburn, it was more like a fire-engine, Santa Claus, RED. It was not that I didn't like red, it was just that mom had always said that red really isn't my color, and I had agreed with her since I started to have my own taste in clothing.
"Why red?" I practically growled, running my hand across my fiery hair, glaring at the younger Durin brother.
"Kili?" My eyes snapped to Fili as he pressed to get an answer from Kili, who smiled sheepishly and shrugged with a small fleeting smile on his lips still.
"I didn't think it would be that red..."
"You didn't think-", I let out a small frustrated scream, "Of course you didn't think, and now my head looks like it's on fire!" If Kili hadn't ducked at that exact moment, the jar I threw would have hit him straight in the face. It shattered as it hit the wall, and I huffed angrily as the pieces scattered to the floor with a bright tingle.
"Well, it doesn't matter now. It's red, so I guess it will be red for a while now, better get used to it." I threw my hands up in the air, rolling my eyes. I stormed to my bedroll, pulling out a bundle of clothes.
"If you'll excuse me, me and my fire head will go put on some clothes before-" I was cut off by a yell from the lower levels.
"The Arkenstone needs to be found!"
"Before he comes up with something for us to do." I muttered the rest of my sentence. I would have preferred to use another word in place of he, but I had exhausted my insult-supply on Kili with all my yelling. I stepped into the closest room with a working door to pull the clothes on as quickly as I could. I had to fight with my bra for a while but managed to get the twisted straps straight.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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