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There are two songs in this, Rewrite the stars from the movie The greatest showman and I kissed a girl from Katy Perry. I do not own the songs. There is a notion when to play them if you want to.

Bea's POV

It took us close to forever to get the dresses on. First, we had to figure out how to use corsets. 
"Ow! Too tight, you are crushing me!" Olivia complained and I loosened the straps. 
"Sorry, sorry! Is it better now?" She rotated her torso and took a couple of deep breaths.
"Yup. It still feels like it's squeezing me but now I can breathe somewhat normally. So, it's your turn." I groaned. 
"Fine."  She grabbed the straps and pulled and pulled and pulled until...
"Stop! I think it's tight enough now." I lifted my hands up and let them fall down again, testing the range of movements I had. Olivia yanked the straps couple more times tying them into a bow, and then she stepped in front of me, eyeing the results.
"Bea, look at your waist! Where have you been keeping that?" I let out a small laugh.
"The visibility of my waist isn't the first priority when traveling on foot for long distances." I grabbed the slip and pulled it on before picking up the dress by the hanger, making sure that I didn't wrinkle it.
"Help me get into this." Olivia helped it on me and buttoned up the back, and double checking that they were all closed and that they held. The hem was poofy, I felt like a princess, and I spun around, making a big ass twirl and the hem looked great. 
"You look so good in that, red is totally your color. And I love the small details with the hints of gold." Olivia walked around me after I settled and eyed me up and down, smiling warmly. 
"My turn." She grabbed her dress and I helped her dive into it, the poofy hems were a little different than the cocktail dresses that I was used to. Her's was a shade of light green, and it looked great on her. Her hem was even poofier than mine, but I didn't mind. If my hem would have been poofier, I would have looked like a freaking walking cupcake. A small knock came from the door.

"We are ready to leave, are you finished?" Bofur's voice sounded through the door. 
"Just a second!" I shouted an answer and made sure that my hair didn't get ruined when we put on the dresses. The maids had also brought us a little mirror and hairbrushes as well as some bobby-pin like things, that we used to get our hair under control. Mine was half up and half down, Olivia's was on a braid that went around her head. There was also a small makeup kit in the load that the maids had brought us, but we didn't go crazy, a little worried about the toxins they might have in them, so we just highlighted our eyes a bit and applied a little color to our lips. 
"Ready?" Olivia asked me, and I nodded. She walked to the door and was ready to open it when I yelped.
"Wait! One more thing." I grabbed one of my daggers and strapped it on my waist, under the red dress. The hem was made out of hundreds of strips of fabric, so I could grab it if I needed to, but it was also hidden. I straightened my hem and looked at her. 
"Ok, now I'm ready to go." Olivia smirked to me and pushed the door open.

The dwarves were staring at me like they had never seen me before.
"What? I am not allowed to dress ladylike?" I quirked an eyebrow to them, and most of them turned away mumbling something not audible, but some, such as Fili, Kili, and Nori continued to stare. I snapped my fingers in front of Kili's face and that brought him out of his gaze.  He blinked and shook his head a couple of times, trying to organize his thoughts. 
"Shall we?" I looked around the company, and shifted my weight from one leg to another, slightly nervous about the party, and Nori still staring at me, so I just wanted to get going. Olivia couched audibly and stared at Nori. 
"Our eyes are up here." She gestured to our faces with her hand and Nori's gaze finally resettled to my face, and I squinted my eyes again.
"Shall we then?" Thorin offered me his arm and I was momentarily stunned before I sneaked my hand through it, a little stunned. "I didn't' see that coming (hahaha Marvel reference)." Next to us, Dwalin had offered his hand to Olivia and he was looking rather uncomfortable, probably because Olivia was nearly a foot taller than him and he was used to being the biggest one. I knew that Dwalin was chosen to escort her, probably so she wouldn't try anything, and I restrained my desire to roll my eyes yet again. 

Washed up - A Hobbit storyWhere stories live. Discover now