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This one will contain scenes about drowning and CPR. This one doesn't contain any important pieces of the plot, so you can skip this fully if you want. The scenes are scattered around the story, but I will mark the drowning scenes with (-<>-) and the CPR part with     (/-\), but then reading might be a little bit difficult because of the missing pieces. 

I'm not a professional, so the CPR performed is not done correctly. 

I was happy that I had been able to keep my unfortunate experience with water to myself mostly. Gandalf had told a few of the dwarves, but I'm sure that they wouldn't tell the others. But as usual, my luck was about to run out. We had gotten up early in the morning to continue our journey. I was riding next to Bilbo and I was talking to him about recipes. I was telling him how to make pizza and he seemed really happy and told me that he couldn't wait to make it when he got back home. Our chat was cut short by Kili who rode his horse right next to mine and as I suspected, asked me,
"Bea, can you finish the story now?" His brown eyes were pleading again. "Damn it, I won't be able to say no to anything if he looks at me like that every time." I nodded and Kilis face lit up. He waved to Fili, who was talking with Dwalin and by the looks of it, they disagreed about something.
"She's got to know how she can defend herself." I head Fili spit out to him before he guided his pony next to mine. "Oh crap, they want me to train my fighting. But how you can train in something that you have no idea to do in the first place."  I was already worried about how the events would go down. I would just probably have a panic attack and prove right everyone's thoughts about me being nothing but a burden. But then, I decided that I would at least try and learn at least something. Even if it was the easiest sword movement or something like that, I wanted to learn at least something. I had taken a self-defense class after my friend recommended it to me right after my ex and I broke up, and boy did it come in handy. I knew how to make a guy twice the size of me fall down, and I knew how to make a guy loosen his grip in a couple of ways. "So I really am not completely useless. I can at least protect myself." My thoughts were a little bit brighter now and I cleared my throat and started to continue the story. The look on the brother's faces, especially Kilis was melting my heart, and I gave my best impression of fairy godmothers "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo", causing the brothers and Ori to erupt into laughter.
"Shush!" Came a deeper voice from right behind me. I looked back and my face melted into a smile. It was Dwalin. He had apparently been listening to my story as well. I knew that Ori was listening, but it was quite amusing that a gruff warrior like Dwalin was listening to a story usually told to little girls. 

I continued my story, and I had just finished it with "Come with us, fair maiden! The Prince awaits to present you with his engagement ring!" So Cinderella joyfully went with them and lived happily ever after with her Prince." after telling about the glass slipper. They applauded their hands, causing Nori's pony to shift and come too close to my pony. Holly didn't like that, and took a step backward, rearing a little. I wasn't prepared for that and fell off. And with my luck, there was a heavily flowing river right under the bank beside us and I fell in. I could swim, so it wasn't really a problem for me, but as always, things escalated. Kili jumped in to rescue me, but apparently, he wasn't a very good swimmer, because he could hardly keep his head up on the surface. Also, he seemed to lack all common sense, because he had jumped in downstream from me, so he had to battle the current to get to me. As suspected, he couldn't keep doing it for very long and started to go under. I heard Filis voice yelling for us from the bank, but I swam to where I had seen Kili go under the surface, took a deep breath in and dove after him. Luckily, the water was clear and it didn't take me much to find him. He had a heavy jacket on, and so he was even heavier. I still wrapped my arms under his and sought with my feet for the bottom. After finding it, I pushed us up, as hard as I could. I felt my head to break the surface and the cool air on my face. I locked my feet onto a boulder on the bottom and taking a deep breath in I looked around. Nearly all of the dwarves were on the bank, yelling at us. The current was getting stronger, my feet were slowly losing their grip and I knew that I could not be able to hold onto Kili much longer, so I called out to them.
"Some of you *cough* will have to take him. I can't hold on to him much longer!" With that, I pushed him onto a boulder and my feet slipped off the one I had been holding onto.

Washed up - A Hobbit storyWhere stories live. Discover now