{5} the cullen's

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today is the meeting and I am freaked out, not because I'm scared, but because, well I'll be honest. I'm scared.

I dressed up nicely and went downstairs to the dining room where Mary was sitting and eating. "good morning Mary."

She looked up to me and smiled softly. "good morning Elizabeth, did you sleep well?"

"yeah, no nightmares no nothing, i had a peaceful night." I muttered.

"good." She nodded.


I am right now driving my car, heading to dad's house and wishing to myself a good luck.

I finally arrived to the house and step out of the car and looked to the house, I widened my eyes slightly. the house looks so beautiful. doesn't seems for vampire, the sun can come through the windows. ignoring my thoughts I walked to the house.

I felt someone was behind me, so I turned my heel to face it and it was my dad.

I run to him and hugged him tightly as he hugged me back. he laughed softly.

"they're waiting for you." He says.

I nodded my head nervously and holds his hands as he walked inside. he opened the door and we went straight upstairs and there was his family sitting and slightly chatting.

they turned their head to our way and stared at me. I gulped and waved at them.

"there she is." a girl with short hair and happy eyes, hugs me tightly before I even see her face. I hugged her back to be polite.

"Alice, let her breathe." Said Edward giggling, amused.

after letting me go. Carlisle introduced me to them.

"this is elizabeth," Carlisle rubs his hands together. "my daughter that I have been talking about." He confesses, causing Alice to to jump happily. I smiled softly at her excitement.

"Beth, that's Edward, Alice, jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and my mate, esme." he pointed to each of the family members.

"hello. I'm Elizabeth, you heard him I'm his daughter." I said gaining more confidence.

"hello Elizabeth." said Esme as she made her way to me, smiling, she holds my hands and took me to were they were sitting and made me sit next to Rosalie.

"it so nice to finally meet you, " said Rosalie. shocking all of them, she was never kind to a humans... little did they know. "sorry for my rudeness back in the hospital, I just felt angry after I saw hugged Carlisle."

I giggled. "that why you shouldn't judge book by it cover."

"you are right." She said giggling. I looked to the rest of the family. my eyes met a golden ocher ones, jasper hale. I was suddenly feeling like the only people in the world. then I felt a wave of calmness. I stared at him eyes widen. he is Pathokinesis, awesome.

"Elizabeth, You know you will be part of this family soon and we have to know each other, so tell us about you?" Said Emmett with his famous smirk.

"Sure," I said before facing my father. "dad did you tell them anything about me but the basic?"

"I didn't."

"interesting." I smirk. their reaction will be precious.

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