{36} family talking

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Glaring up at her adopted brother, Elizabeth can feel her blood boiling, as fire comes out of her eyes

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Glaring up at her adopted brother, Elizabeth can feel her blood boiling, as fire comes out of her eyes. If looks can kill, Edward would have died immediately. Waiting for the entire family to come into the room, Elizabeth couldn't care less about her coming after six months or even more of no seeing them, she just wants some explanation.

"What the hell were you thinking Edward?" She snapped. "You know that this pregnancy will kill her."

Hearing that, Edward's eyes met Elizabeth ones as she nodded his heavy head. He sighed. "I talked to her, Okay? She just doesn't want it out of her body, we all talked to her. She really wants to keep the baby."

Elizabeth nodded and rubbed her sore eyes. Carlisle who noticed how sleepy she is starts walking towards her but stopped once he earned a glare from Elizabeth. His biological daughter who he left twice can't express how much she hates him at this moment.

"You need to sleep, Elizabeth. You look very tired." She informed her.

"No thank you." She said harshly. Not coming from her heart. " Plus this isn't about me. I just came here to make sure Bella's okay. So this means that I will be coming here more often."

"Elizabeth—" Jasper started but got interrupted by her.

"Stop it, please." Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears as she glared at him. "Don't Elizabeth me. Don't even call, don't say my name, ever."

Everyone in the room was taken back at Elizabeth's sudden burst. They understand her. She gave every right to be angry at them at this moment. Jasper crossed his arm on his chest as his eyes gazed at anything but his soulmate's eyes.

"You guys left me." She sobbed. "You left alone, you didn't even tell me. I thought that you would finally be always here for me, Carlisle but I guess I was wrong, I was very wrong and I regret trusting you. But do you know what Carlisle? I'm not hurt anyone. Why? Because it wasn't the first time."

Elizabeth tears stained on her cheeks. Her deadly glares could kill him at any second. The demigod let out a small laugh and looked at each and every person in the room when her eyes landed on Jasper, her laugh died.

"And Jasper . . . "She started ranting on him. "My soulmate. The person that I believe would always stay with me. Always be here for me, but god dammit I was wrong, again. We are soulmates, Jasper. When you leave me, I'm hurt. It's a different kind of pain, and it's hurt so bad. You never thought of texting me m, calling me, sending me a fucking Email?"

The daughter of Aphrodite yelled out the last part, she put her hand on her mouth to stop herself from crying. Elizabeth has never felt so broken before, and it's killing her, slowly and painfully.

"We left for your—"

She cut Alice's explanation off. "My protection. blah blah blah. You are acting like I'm human. Like I'm weak. Hello! I'm not Bella. I'm a demigod for god sake! I can protect myself. How do you think I survived all these years without my parents."

Letting these heavy words fall out from her shoulders, she sighed and rubbed her teary eyes.

"Elizabeth. . ."

The brunette was going to cut Emmett off but stopped since she wanted to hear what is he going to say. Rosalie looked at her soulmate to silently talk to him through her eyes and to make sure that what is her going to say isn't harmful.

"We know that you can protect yourself. We know that you are not human and weak like what you said. But sometimes people need to take a break. They need to have time on their own—"

"Emmett just don't! I know what you are going to say is nothing but bullshit. A break for god sake. A break from what?" Elizabeth shook her head and walked outside the room but before she leaves, she faced them.

"Whenever I come here to spend my time with Bella, i don't want to see your faces or hear any of your voices, go it?" With a glare, she left them speechless.

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