{22} sam uley

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the brown-chocolate hair demigod walked inside the house of the Alpha of the Uley's pack, Sam Uley and his fiancee, Emily young

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the brown-chocolate hair demigod walked inside the house of the Alpha of the Uley's pack, Sam Uley and his fiancee, Emily young.

As she walked in beside Paul, a Wolf with a short, but thick, brown fur and gray eyes, appeared behind them near the forest as he studied her.

Elizabeth felt his appearance and glared at him with a furrowed forehead and empty void honey eyes.

"Paul," she hissed. "who is that?"

Paul followed her sight and growl. "that's Jared, Jared Cameron, second to phases after, of course, Sam. Nevermind him, come on let go inside."

Elizabeth nodded her head and followed Paul. As they walked to the front door, Paul stopped and looked at her.

"Remember what I've told you, don't stare at Emily's scar and don't talk about it," he repeated his order.

"Alright, Paul, you already to me that."

Paul giggled and open and made a room for Elizabeth to enter.

"Paul is that you?" A melodic voice asked in the kitchen, as Paul leads Elizabeth to the living room.

"Yes, it's me, Emily come here, i have a guest." He yelled as an extremely beautiful young woman with glossy black hair and satiny copper skin.

Emily smiled softly and holds her hands out. "Hello, I'm Emily."

Elizabeth shakes her hands with a lovely grin spread his face. "I'm Elizabeth Cullen, Paul's friend."

Emily smile faded when she head her surname, at the same time Sam Uley and Jared Cameron walked in.

"Cullen?" Sam asked in a deep voice as he walked to Emily and holds her hands tightly and made her go behind him in a protective way.

Emily looked at Sam and sigh while rolling her eyes.

Elizabeth nodded her head slightly and frown at him. "Yes, Elizabeth Cullen. Carlisle Cullen biologic daughter, and, I'm not going to hurt her, Sam."

"He knows, Elizabeth, he know that you will never hurt any of us." Paul confesses as he growled angrily at Sam.

"Yes, Sam. Paul is saying the truth." Jared defends her, making Elizabeth and Paul looked at him with suspicion.

"What are you? You don't smell like a vampire."

"I don't think it is that important to know what I am, Sam, But all you need to know is that I'm not dangerous, I promise, And, uh, " she looked at Paul. "I... just want to thank you for saving Bella."

Elizabeth said her last words and stormed out the house and starts to run towards the forest , unknowingly in where she's going.

"Elizabeth, Wait..." Paul yelled, and runs as fast as he can, making his way to Elizabeth's and stopped her.

Elizabeth stopped when Paul steps in front of her. "What do you want, Paul?"

"Why did you run away?" he asked.

"I... just, uh, didn't feel comfortable with him." she hesitate.


She interrupted him. "please Paul, I just need to go home and take a rest, and then i still go to Bella's house to check on her, I promise, I will come later."

Paul nodded his head. "You promised, Elizabeth. Don't break that promise."

Elizabeth giggled. "Promises are made to be broken."

"I'm hundred percent sure it doesn't work on everyone, especially you." Paul smiled.

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