4 "Gladys Jones, you deserve the worst..."

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The next day I went to Edgar. I was nervous about his yesterday's behavior so I decided to tell him that I wouldn't let him treat her like that and that she wanted to leave this cult as soon as possible. I would like him to move out of here and never come back, but of course, as soon as I crossed the threshold of his house, I felt vulnerable.

"You don't have to stop playing chess, I only came for a moment." I said and pointed at him. "You deleted messages that came to me on the phone, right? You didn't want to check anything on the internet, just control me!" I shouted and in a surge of anger I hit him in the chest with my fist. Suddenly I wanted to do it again. Oddly enough, he didn't stop me, he let me fight.

"Alice, you have the right to be angry." he began calmly and grabbed my shoulders. I looked at him tearfully. He brushed my hair back from my face and looked into my eyes. "I deserved it. I feel bad about what I did yesterday." he whispered and took my hands in his.

"You're a monster, you give me some tea to drink that doesn't really help me, I'm crazy." Because of you, my relationship with Betty has deteriorated, I don't meet with friends because I don't have the strength of these damn herbs. from people!" I was shouting loudly, looking at his compassionate face.

"Are you finished? he asked, and I shook my head. I didn't intend to apologize for my outburst of aggression, despite remorse. "I'm glad you finally gave relief to your emotions, you feel better now?" he stroked my cheek and hugged me. "I don't mind what you did to me, I understand you, but I won't tolerate such behavior in the long run, Alice, you have to control yourself." he whispered in my ear and I closed my eyes helplessly and listened patiently to him.

His words will fill my mind enough to make me wonder why I am so nervous? Why can't I solve anything calmly?

"Do you think people turn their backs on me because of my outbursts of anger?" I asked, realizing the painful truth. I have always been a problem for people. I was mean to them, I ruthlessly attacked them in my articles. I was ashamed for everything I had been doing for so many years.

"You will answer this question better yourself." he said and pushed me away to look into my eyes. "Look inside yourself"

"I used to be able to control myself, Edgar. I was able to be calm and now..."

"And now you rebel and don't let yourself help, I want your good, Alice."

"You brought me into the cult, Edgar, I have this ring on my hand, I'm still forced to drink tea I don't like. It isn't normal."

"That's just what you think, Alice. It's completely normal. You just have to open up to new experiences, meet new people, make your life make sense. I would like to help you, but you reject me." he answered and led me into the kitchen. "Your friends have a bad influence on you, they are sinners, and you're not a sinner. Alice, you deserve more than condemnation in the eyes of other people." he said and pointed to a chair to sit down. "You were telling something about FP. He rejected you, remember? You said that you suffered because of him, don't let him do it again, Alice. Whoever rejects will do it again. "

"FP is really important to me, Edgar. We have a lot in common and we still have it, I can't give it up. "

"To start a new chapter in life, you have to separate yourself from toxic acquaintances, and now drink." he gave me a cup of tea, and tears ran down my cheeks.

"Don't make me do this." I said, referring to FP. I looked at the tea and closed my eyes when I drank.

"I don't force you to anything." he whispered and approached me. "Go with me" I froze at these words.

"Where?" I asked loudly and put the cup down on the kitchen counter.

"On the farm," he answered, and I shook my head.

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