27 "Are you going to beat me to death?"

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I allowed Edgar to brainwashed me and I was mad at myself because of it.

I thought Edgar would help me heal meanwhile he didn't mean to heal me but to own me. He wanted to abuse me, and as usual I understood it at the end.

"Sometimes we have to sacrifice those who we love to heal our soul completety" Edgar told me after one of our meeting. I looked at him surprised and opened my eyes wide.

"I'm not going to leave Betty and forget about FP, because you want me to do it. I'm sorry Edgar, you will not manipulate me," I replied and looked him in the eyes.

"You're rebelling again, Alice, I'm sick of it." Edgar's voice was sharp.

I got scared and went to the exit door. I grabbed the handle and when I wanted to open it, Edgar grabbed my wrist. My stomach twisted with stress and my heart accelerated to the rhythm.

"Where are you going?" he asked in a low, calm voice, and I felt him approach me.

"We'll finish this conversation when you'll calm down Edgar" I answered and opened the door to escape quickly. " I'm going to my family. A real family "

"Are you suggesting that we aren't your family? Me, Heather, Violet, Rose?" I felt the anger in his voice.

"Yes, isn't it obvious?" I asked and shrugged. I looked at him.

"I didn't think you were so selfish," he answered, and I frowned.

"I beg you pardon?"

"Yes, Alice. We're opening up in front of you. We're creating a happy family that you've never really had, and you're not taking us seriously." Edgar grabbed me by the shoulders. "What do you imagine? Who do you think you are?" he jerked me, and I moaned in pain.

"You promised me that I could meet with Polly. It turns out that I haven' t met her so far. I don't know how many levels in this cult I have to go to be able to meet my own daughter," I growled loudly and broke away from him.

"You can meet her at any moment, if only you give yourself fully to our group"

"Let's be clear. I have to sacrifice to your group to see my daughter? It sounds irrationally, Edgar," I hissed and laughed ironically.

I have to join this cult and change my personality just to meet with Polly? I loved my daughter with all my heart, despite what she did to me, but I wouldn't be able to devote myself fully to this cult. I would lose so much. I would lose my life. I would lose Betty. I would completety lose FP. I would lose my friends and, above all, I would lose the right to express my own opinion.

"Something for something, Alice." Edgar shrugged, and I shook my head. I will find another option to meet Polly without being in this cult.
I will go to a good psychologist and start a new life.

"Joining your cult was a mistake," I said and pulled off the ring he gave me. I pressed him into his palm. "Take it, I don't want it, Edgar," I said loudly. "I don't want to be in your cult"

"Are you sure about that, Alice?" he asked and came to me. "Every decision brings consequences. Are you aware of that?"

I was afraid of the consequences that I may have because of leaving the cult.

"Of course."I answered briefly. "I don't want to have anything in common with this cult and with you"

"How is it possible that you have such a strong your own willpower and you can't give yourself to me completety. You don't let me have control over your mind. Sometimes you did it, but only for a moment. Why?"

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