9 "The mission to find Alice has just begun"

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A/N: OMG, Thank You so much queen_madchen_ 💖 It means a lot to me 💖

A/N: OMG, Thank You so much queen_madchen_ 💖 It means a lot to me 💖

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"Tom, I've asked you for help, and you make everything difficult." I said and looked at Tom Keller. We were all sitting in the living room, wondering how to get Alice back.

"FP, I must have a court order, I can not invade someone's property and arrest this man, because YOU want it!"

"I am not asking you to arrest him immediately, but I am asking for help. I need a policeman, you do not even have to leave the car. I want to know if I have support, "I replied, irritated by Keller's behavior. Since when was he beginning to obey the law?

"Okay, FP, how do you want to do it? We do not have any information about Alice's health and how Edgar treats her, we can only guess. What if she is happy and healthy? " Keller asked, and Betty shook her head.

"I called Polly, she gave me the address of the farm and said she would go there to check her mother's health, but she has not called us so far," she said and wiped her tears from her eyes.

"Edgar is a dangerous man, Tom," said Fred.

"How do you explain that the day after Alice left for the farm, Edgar's daughter moved out? We can guess that she came back to the farm, "I growled and clenched my fists, I wanted to get Alice out of this bastard's hand, because I knew he was hurting her." Tom, really get your gray cells"

"If Sierra was in Alice's place, would you also cover yourself with a professional label?" Kevin's words shocked everyone, even Keller himself. "Dad, it's important to all of us." Most important for Betty, "he added, and Tom sighed heavily.

"I will help you, but only because of what we have ..." Tom pointed to me and Fred. "At school," he added, and I nodded.

"Thank you, Tom," I answered.

"You'll thank me when we find Alice," he said and looked at Betty. "You have to give me the exact address of this farm, I will contact the local police station to call them in the event of an accident," he added. That's a load off my mind, I knew I would see Alice soon.

"Will you really do it?" Betty asked as she handed Keller a card with an address.

"Yes, I will," he replied. "We need two cars because there are too much people for one"

"No," Archie answered. "There is no need, I and Kevin will stay here."

"Yes, we will stay just in case." Kevin nodded.

"I will stay with them" Fred looked at me with a smile. "I will keep an eye on them. Alice is the most important thing now," he added, and I returned the smile.

"Thank you, Fred".

"Maybe I should stay too?" Betty asked, and I looked at her surprised.

"Why do you want to stay?" I asked quietly.

I want you back - EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now