18 "Food Poisoning?"

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"Mrs. Smith, open your eyes," I heard a man's voice in front of my face. "Mrs. Smith, look at me," he added, and I opened my eyelids slightly. I wasn't able to do something more.

"Doctor, the patient opened her eyes," I heard a second voice, this time a woman. I shook my head and sighed heavily. I opened my mouth, but after a while I closed it. I felt a dry throat and wanted to drink something.

"What ... Where ... Oh" I murmured and put my hand to my forehead. My head pulsed so much that I couldn't lift it. I covered my eyelids with my hand, because the light of the lamps on the ceiling hurt my eyes.

"Open your eyes," I heard the male voice again. I forced myself to take my hand off my face and open my eyes. I hissed when I looked centrally at the lamp.

"Where am I?" I asked and looked around the room. I had to wait for my eyes to sharpen.

"In the hospital," answered the nurse. She was young, pretty and very insecure. She probably was new at work because she didn't even know how to measure my pressure correctly.

"What happened?" I asked and I took my eyes to the doctor. He was young too.

"You fainted in your home and you were brought to the hospital," he said and put a lamp near my bed next to me. I wanted to hit this man on the head.

"Don't you understand that the light is hurting me?" I hissed and pulled back the lamp. I sat on the bed and looked furious at this doctor.

"I want to talk to Dr. Whitfield," I said. "And it would be nice to offer me a glass of water, or at least glucose," I added loudly.

"Doctor Whitefield is busy," young man said.

He looked at me and took notes and a pen from his pocket. After a moment, things were burning out of his hand and I shook my head.

"If Dr. Whitefield doesn't show up right now, I'll get you off work." I looked at the terrified nurse. The blackmail was bad and I knew it, but I knew it would work.

"I will call the doctor, maybe he is in his office" she nodded and ran quickly out of the room. I lay back on the bed again.

"I don't want to see you either," I murmured and looked at the annoyed doctor.

"I am sorry but I am a doctor and I have to be here," he answered dryly and sat down on the bed. I shrugged.

"At last, be quiet"

"Alice" Joseph entered the room and I smiled at him. "A little, uninteresting place for a meeting with an old, good friend," he added, and I laughed.

Joseph was the best doctor I ever met. Ever since I moved to Northside, he helped my family, he often checked on me and my children after working hours, and even came to my home when it was needed.

"I know, Joseph" I sighed. "I fainted at home and woke up here," I added, and he nodded.

"O'brien, get out of here" Joseph looked at the young doctor and pointed to the door.

"But, I was supposed to learn how to talk with patients"

"You can learn it in the segregation room," Joseph added, and the young boy sighed heavily. He got up from the stool and left the room.

"A new doctor who can't do anything right," Joseph sighed, and I sat on the bed and nodded.

"You can see that he needs more experience, he shouldn't dazzle people with a lamp and force them to wake up"

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