20 "Won't you say hello to your new old neighbor, Alice?"

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"What..." I've heard FP's voice but I was too terrified to paid attention to him. I actually got blackmailed by someone from this bloody house.

"Do you think, it was Edgar?" Fred asked and I shook my head.

"No. I don't think so" Betty said and looked at sleeping twins on the sofa. "I think it was Polly" She added and my heart stopped for a moment. What if it's true? What if my daughter left her childrens in front of my door?

"I don't know what to think about it" I said. "She brought me to this cult, because Edgar needed some company on his fucking weird Farm, so now I think that Polly could possible left her children. I don't know where she is and I don't know if Edgar brainwashed her completely."

"Polly did what?" Betty shouted and I sighed heavily.

"Polly and Edgar kidnapped me to the farm." I said quietly and grabbed my stomach. I definitely haven't eaten anything for a few hours and my child was demanding food.

"What's happening?" FP asked and put his hand on my knee. I smiled at him weakly and shook my head.

"Nothing happens," I whispered and looked at my grandchildren. "I don't know what to do with them," I shrugged.

"We have to find Polly," Betty answered and grabbed Juniper, who woke up. She began to walk around the living room with him, stroking him calmingly.

"Polly has taken everything. We don't have a crib for them, we don't have the basic things we need, we don't have food, bottles, rompers, no toys, we have nothing," I said and my voice broke. FP put his arm around me.

"Alice, if you want... me and FP can go to Greendale, there's one store open twenty-four-hour. We buy the things we need and we'll be back soon." Fred looked at me and sat down in front of me in the chair.

"It's dangerous, something will happen to you," I whispered and shook my head.

"Alice, I've lived in this town since the beginning of my life, and I won't let any stoned bastard scare the residents and perform some fucking spells on the street." Fred sighed heavily and looked at FP.

"Okey let's go, Freddy Kruger" FP said and Fred sighed heavily.

"Fuck you, Johnny Depp"

"Oh, shut up, redhead." my man kissed my forehead and looked me in the eye. "If anything happened, Alice, call me right away," he whispered, and I nodded.

"It would be better for me to go with you," I said. "Two men going to the store for things for little twins?"

"Alice, no one knows us there, I won't let you go, Alice. You need to be careful with our baby" he whispered and put his hand on my stomach.

"I will watch the door," said Archie. "No one will come here," he added.

"I'll call couple of Serpents along the way, they'll come over here and protect your home, Alice." FP stroked my cheek and I smiled.

I hugged him tightly because it make me feel safe.

"I love this baby, I don't care who is the father. Forgive me for what I said in the hospital. I feel bad about it and I don't know how I could reward it to you, "he whispered in my ear, so that ony I could hear.

"Make me a hot bath," I murmured softly and moved away from him.

"Okay, love birds, that's enough. We're definitely going now, FP!" Fred rose from his chair and looked at FP.

I want you back - EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now