17 "A Little Party Never Killed Nobody!"

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"Do you know that children can come home at any time?" FP asked and looked into my eyes. We lay on the floor in the living room, naked, covered only with a blanket. I loved those days when our children were leaving Riverdale, and we could spend so much time together.

"I know," I murmured and stroked his cheek. I sat on the floor and reached across the table where the FP shirt was. I dressed it and I looked at him.

"You're so sexy," he said quietly, and his one hand began to stroke my thigh.

"I know," I answered and leaned over to kiss him. After a short while, he returned my kiss and his hands tightened on my hips. I murmured softly and sat down on him.

"I want to make love to you, until our last breath," he whispered, and I smiled under my breath. I wiped him evocatively.

"So fuck me, bad boy," I murmured in his ear and when I felt his hips at my I moaned softly.

We were in this together and it was so wonderful. We felt like we were seventeen again. I wanted it to be that way forever.

"I love you" I whispered to his lips when our bodies joined in this wild, dirty pleasure. I don't remember when the last time I was so much satisfied during sex.

"I love you too" he snarled in my ear and his hands were on my back. I felt him stab his nails into my skin and moved them across my back, but I didn't care. I pulled him hard on his hair, breathing heavily.

FP kissed me passionately. I gave his kiss back and put my hands on his cheeks. I couldn't think rationally at the moment when I was on the verge of orgasm.

"FP..." I moaned and threw my head back. I couldn't say anything, all I could do was moan.

"You are only mine, yes?" FP wove the fingers of one hand in my hair and clenched it into a fist. He pulled my face to his and looked into my eyes. "Answer my question"

I loved when he was so dominant. I smiled at him wildly.

"I'm yours" I shouted, reaching an orgasm. "That was wild and quick" I answered and looked into his eyes.

"And sexy"

"Now, I'm going to make us a coffee." I said and stood up. I dressed myself with the FP shirt and went to the kitchen to put water for coffee.

"Alice" FP after a while came to me and embraced me from the back at the waist. "I love you"

"I love you too, Forsythe"

"Something is bothering you?" 

"Our future" I said and get two mugs from dishwasher.

"And what about it? I want you to be my wife, that's all"

"That's all? What about the rest?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You want to marry me very much. I understand that, FP," I said after a while, biting my lip. " I felt a bit overwhelmed," I whispered.

"Overwhelmed?" he asked slightly annoyed. I turned to him. "I love you and I want to be with you, is it bad ?!" he growled and slapped his hand against my waist on the kitchen counter. I jumped.

"Calm down," I asked quietly, with fear in my eyes. What if he hits me again?

"Alice ..." he sighed, but I shook my head.

"No, FP. You need to controle youeself. We're only talking and  you're very angressive... You're the same as..." I took a deep breath. I shouldn't said that. I was afraid.

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