11 "Everything with FP is done, but that's okey. I will survive."

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I put on the living room table, a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

For some time now, sitting on the sofa and watching movies was unpleasant for me because the sofa was hard, so I decided to bring two thick blankets and a pair of pillows from the bedroom.

I put two big pillows on the sofa and the other four small ones on the floor. I didn't know where to end when we were watching the movie, so I preferred to prepare myself for all possible options. I put one blanket on the sofa and the other on the armchair so that we could cover ourselves when it's cold.

I grabbed the remote control and turned on the television. I started to browse the channels in search of an interesting movie, but unfortunately the only thing that, found is nature documentaries.

I decided to take a DVD from the TV drawer and look for an interesting movie there. I found the musical Grease and I knew straight away that we should definitely watch this.

"Baby, I'm back" FP went into the house with a large paper bag and two large coffees. He put everything on the table and came up from me.

"I missed you" I said with a smile. FP embraced me at the waist and pulled me closer.

"I definitely don't want to watch the movie today" he looked into my eyes and smiled playfully. He drew his face close to mine, so that our lips were separated by a few millimeters.

"And I definitely want to watch the movie tonight," I said. "And what will we do with that?" I asked and smiled at him charmingly.

"We will find a common solution," he said. When he wanted to kiss me, I turned my face sideways to him, so his lips touched my cheek.

"Not so fast, Jonesy" I shook my head when I heard his sigh. I moved away from him and pointed to the sofa. "Sit down, you agreed to watch the movie, so we'll watch the movie," I went to the TV and put a CD in to the DVD player.

"What movie?" FP sat down on the sofa with a sigh. When the movie turned on, I sat next to him and grabbed a paper bag.

"Grease" I laughed softly.

"I could have guessed it," he shook his head and looked at me.

I took out big fries, two burgers from a paper bag, and smiled slightly. When we were young and we went on dates to Pop's and ordered exactly the same. It surprised me that FP still remembers our order.

"You have a good memory," I murmured and spread the food on the table. "I'm so hungry," I said after a moment, realizing that I had eaten almost nothing for the week I spent in the hospital.

"You must recover from all that has happened to you, Alice," said the FP, and put his hand on my back and began to gently stroke me. "Eat, feel free," he added as I looked at him.

"And you?" I asked quietly.

"I will admire you," he whimpered, and I blushed and went back to eating. After all these years, I still felt ashamed when he looked at me. I always hid my face in my hands or in his neck to stop blushing.

For the next two hours we watched the movie, talking about the appearance of the characters and songs. We also mentioned our rehearsals for the musical we had at school. Most people involved in the musical couldn't sing, which was a certain difficulty for our headmaster, but still he didn't cancel the musical. He cast me and FP in the main roles just because we both had a good musical ear. Although we thought that our musical was a flop, but people were delighted.

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