35 "Why do I need a guy if I can have a woman?"

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In the evening together with FP we decided to tell our children about what we are planning about our future.

"Jughead, Betty can you come down for a moment?" I called when we came home with FP.

"Something happened?" Betty asked when she came to the living room. "Jughead is in the toilet, he's coming" she muttered and sat on the couch.

"Did you sleep?" I asked and frowned, and she nodded.

"We studied with Jughead for tomorrow's biology test and we fell asleep,"

"Elizabeth, I hope you studied biology only in theory, not practice," I said and sat down in my chair. My daughter rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You are impossible, mom"

"Maybe" I smiled at her lightly and looked at FP who stood next to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and leaned against the chair. We waited in silence for Jughead.

"I am. Have I missed something?" Jughead asked when he came to the living room.

"We were just talking about your tomorrow's biology test," FP said, and Jughead opened his mouth in surprise.

"We really studied for the test!" Jughead said quickly, and I laughed.

"Relax, Jughead, sit down, we need to talk," I asked quietly and pointed to the seat next to Betty.

"Tell me what happened" Betty put her arms under her breasts.

"First of all, we decided that we will live together after the new year," I said, waiting for the reaction of our children.

"Wait. Really?" Betty asked and looked pleased at Jughead.

"Yes, we do not know where we are going to live. We will not be able to love in my trailer," said FP.

"I think this house will be right for us," I finished for him. "It would be meaningless to move out of here, since we have friends and acquaintances nearby."

"I'm shocked," Jughead replied. "I mean, positive, I'm happy," he added, and I smiled slightly.

"I'm glad" I nodded.

"And what about Jellybean?" asked Jughead.

"I will talk to your mother about this topic, Jug," FP answered, and I sighed heavily.

I realized that in order to start again, I have to deal with the past. That's why I decided to go to Whyte Wyrm tonight and talk to Gladys. Try to come to an agreement with her and finally reconcile. I did not want to have an enemy in her. I did not mean that we would like each other, but at least tolerate each other. That would be best for the good of our families.


I entered Whyte Wyrm and looked around the room. I waved to the Hog Eye and shifted my gaze to the woman sitting at the table in the corner. I sighed heavily and went to her.

"You start drinking early," I said. She laughed and looked at me.

"What do you want, Alice?" she asked when I sat next to her.

"I want to talk," I replied and shrugged.

"About what? "Gladys took a sip of her drink, I saw that she was in a bad mood today, she was silent, I could even say that she was slightly worried.

"About us ..." I said and realized how it sounded. Gladys smiled at me and drank her beer again.

"It's got interesting," she murmured and straightened up in her chair. She looked at me and I sighed.

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