8 "The devil's in the detail"

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I didn't show up at the evening dinner because I said I had a headache. For some time, I've had migraines that Edgar knew about, so I hoped he didn't know I was lying. I sat on my bed and closed my eyes for a moment. My hands began to shake with stress, my heart accelerated rhythm, and my stomach twisted in pain. I was afraid for Polly that she would suffer because she wanted to help me get out of here. I didn't want her to get hurt. Although I was angry at her for what she did to me, she was also my daughter, whom I decided to protect until my last breath.

I looked out the window in my bedroom and noticed that there were more and more people on the square in front of the house. I was surprised that each of them came in a black car, but now it wasn't my biggest worry. I had to break into the office of my "lover" to call for help and that I was most afraid of. Edgar greeted everyone, hugging each one separately. I saw how happy he was at the moment, he was really close to those people. I sought out Polly, who was next to Evelyn and talked to her about something, maybe she wanted to distract her. A thought crossed my mind that she wanted to snitch me, but I quickly rejected it. My daughter wouldn't be able to do that. I wondered why she entrusted Edgar's Mother instead of me to take care of her children. it hurt me so much that she doesn't trust me.

I stepped away from the window and sighed heavily. Now or never. I left my bedroom, gently stepping on the wooden floor. The floor was old and made a lot of noise when it came to it harder. I wanted to avoid it, because somebody might know that I was planning to do something. I went down the stairs, looked around the living room, but I didn't find anyone. It was my lucky day! They all had to be around the campfire. I was glad because I knew that I could easily get to Edgar's office. I went there and gently opened the door.

When I crossed the threshold of the cabinet, I felt a chill sweeping over me. It was definitely not a pleasant or safe place, it was dark and gloomy.
I had to watch out for every step, because I didn

t want to step on anything or drop anything. My heart was beating hard in my chest, my hands were shaking as I touched the walls in search of the light switch.

I was scared when the door closed behind me. I cried out as someone's hand covered my mouth. I tried to bite it, but unfortunately I wasn't able to, because the grip was too strong. I started to struggle, waving my hands. I felt that my head was spinning because of lack of air. I tried to shout, but all the screams were suppressed by the hand of my torturer.

After a while in the room, a light came on and finally I looked at the person who was trying to strangle me. I broke away from him and tears appeared in my eyes.

"Edgar, you could strangled me," I said, not hiding my anger.

"Has the headache passed?" he asked calmly, but I saw a radę in his eyes.

I stepped back to get away from him, but when my hips touched his desk, I realized I was trapped. I was scared to death.

"No." I lied, but I knew he didn't believe me. I wouldn't believe myself. "I was looking for you" I added. He only shook his head and came to me.

"Me or my telephone?" he asked, and I widened my eyes.

"What phone?!" I asked loudly and crossed my arms on my chest. "You are funny."

"On the farm all the trees have ears, Alice." he replied and grabbed me by the shoulders. "I heard everything. All your conversation with Polly. You thought I was so stupid and I don't see what you're trying to do?" he asked.

Before I could react, he put his one hand under my chin and pulled my head up so that I could look him in the eye. The fingers of his other hand were digging into my neck.

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