12 "Welcoming party for Gladys?"

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A/N: Hey, guys! I decided to publish a new story "How to cheat a serial killer". It's a story about Alice, FP, Fred and Hermione and about the secret they've been hiding for twenty years. If you are interested, check it out. 😉


It's been a week since I last saw and talked to FP. It was hard for me to avoid him, but I decided that unless he realized that Gladys wanted to destroy his life, I wouldn't speak to him.

For the first couple of days, he called me a few times a day, but after that he stopped. I should be happy to let him go, but it was hard in my heart. Every time I thought about him, tears appeared in my eyes.

For so many years I managed to suppress my love for him, but now it was completely different. I wanted him to be with me, I wanted to feel safe, and that's how I felt about him.

Nobody said that in love it would be easy. Love is a long road, full of turns and blind alleys, and it depends on us whether we want to take shortcuts, or be patient, slowly go ahead.

Our love is such a long way, but instead of blind alleys, we have many obstacles along the way, such as our past, Gladys and acceptance of society. I always hoped that we would be able to overcome these obstacles together, but FP chose the shortcuts to avoid them instead of facing them. It always differed from each other, I liked to solve problems right away and FP to downplay them. That's what quarreled us twenty-five years ago.

"Mom, I'll come home around 5 pm. Kevin want to make another musical and we have a rehearsal," Betty looked at me and I nodded.

"Musical?" I asked with a smile and gave her a container with sandwiches and a salad. "What musical?"

"Grease. The headmaster decided he wanted to refresh the version of the musical from 25 years ago." Betty replied. "I will play Sandy."

"It's wonderful, Betty," I hugged my daughter. "You are following im my footsteps," I added.

"Wait, Mom, what? Did you play Grease?"

"Yes, all parents were involved, it was one of the biggest musicals at Riverdale High School, and I'm glad the headmaster chose this musical.

"You really have to tell me about it," Betty said, and I nodded.

"I'll tell you someday," I smiled and said goodbye to my daughter.

When Betty disappeared, I went outside to check the mailbox. I found bills to pay and an envelope addressed to me. My body immediately felt stress, and my hands began to shake because I thought it was an envelope from Edgar, but when I read the address I understood that it was only my mother. I sighed and shook my head. I wondered when my parents would learn to use the phones and stop sending letters.

"Good morning" I heard a woman's voice on the other side of the street. I looked up, my heart beating dangerously in my chest. I was afraid it was Edgar's relatives.

"Good morning," I said with a smile.

"I don't believe we've had the pleasure" a woman came up to me and stretched out her hand. "Heather Hunt" added with a smile.

"Alice Coo..." I said and cleared my throat. Sometimes I forget that I no longer use the name of my ex-husband. "Alice Smith" I corrected and shook her hand.

"I moved here less than two weeks ago, but I stay only for a few months, unfortunately. Disadvantages of my work. With my daughter we often change the place of residence." she sighed quietly. We moved our hands away from us and looked at each other.

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