26 "What's so funny, FP?"

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For the next few days, I tried to contact FP to talk to him, but unfortunately he didn't answer my calls. I called Hog Eye many times but everytime I phoned he told me that FP was fine.

"I control the situation" Hog Eye answered. "You don't have to come here"

This time I decided to go there, but it was a big mistake. I entered Whyte Wyrm and looked around the room. "Where is he?" I asked and pointed Hog Eye.

"He isn't there," he answered fast. Definitely too fast.

"Where is he?!" I asked loudly, and Hog Eye looked at FP's office.

"If I tell you not to go there, you won't listen to me, will you?"

"Of course I won't listen to you," I said with a smile. "Let me guess, young, shapely, twenty-year-old serpent slut is upstairs with him?"

"I would say that the older, shapely female figure, eighty-fifth year," Hog Eye replied, and I rolled my eyes.

"And her name is Tequilla?"

"Devil's name, right?"

"Yeah," I said and went to the FP's office. I steamed in with the speed of light and went to FP. I took a bottle from his hand and threw it in the bin.

"Hey, I didn't drink it at all!" he said. His voice sounded extremely sober.

"How many fingers do you see?" I asked and showed him three fingers.

"Three" he muttered and sat on the couch.

"You're lucky," I replied and sat next to him.

"I know," he answered only. I nodded and stood up. I started walking around the room, watching the walls carefully.

"Will you say something?" I asked and crossed my arms.

Silence. Deep silence. I felt that a huge gap was arising between us.

"Something has broken between us," I added, and he sighed.

"Yes. Something has burned out," he answered honestly, and I nodded. Although, I didn't want to face the fact that it was the truth.  It did not go too well  between me and FP.

"It would be better for us if we really rested from each other," I replied in a low voice, not knowing how much I would annoy FP with this.

"I'm done with this sick relationship, Alice." He waved his hands in resignation.

"You give up on us" I said. It happened so suddenly and I couldn't believe that he said something like that.

"I give up on you" he said that with the straight face.

"What have I done wrong?" I approached him, surprised by his attitude.

"Seriously, Alice?" he snorted ironically. "You're in this fucking cult again, the tea made a mess in your brain."

"Why do you say that? I needed help, FP! Edgar offered me it"

"And he's brainwashing you again," FP came to me and grabbed my shoulders. "One simple question. Do you love me?" he jerked at me.

"Yes, of course, yes! I do love you. With all of my heart and soul!" I shouted at his face as his fingers squeezed my skin painfully.

"Or maybe do you love him?" he asked, and I looked away. My sentiment to Edgar never disappeared, he always appeared somewhere in my mind.

"I don't love him and you know about it very well" I said and shook my head. The people on the farm told me that I must speak only the truth. "It doesn't mean that he is indifferent to me, because he is not! FP, he is a healer!"

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