37 "The rest of my life and a day longer!"

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The last preparations for Christmas were tiring for our entire family. Yes, our family. FP and Jughead were a part of our family.

A few days before Christmas Eve, they moved to us and from then on we live together, for the sake of our children and for the sake of our little bean, which grows in my stomach.

Jellybean lives with Gladys in an apartment near the town center and often visits us. Everything is getting better and better.

Polly is very well looked after treatment at private psychiatric clinic and regains her strength quickly. She calls me every evening and reports to me every day of her stay in this clinic. I was so afraid that there would be no evil that I forced her to go there.

It is said that Evernever family has been lost with. Nobody knows what happened to Edgar's body, or whether Evelyn was released from custody. So far, I am a bit puzzled, but I am glad that this family has disappeared from our lives.

We decided to eat Christmas Eve together with our friends. We invited Gladys, Jeybean, Hermione, Veronica and Fred with Archie to our house.

There was a better situation between Fred and Hermione. Hermione decided to left Hiram. Their divorce was in progress. Together with Veronica, they lived with the Andrews boys.

"Alice, honey, will you come to the kitchen?" I heard FP's nervous voice, so I got up from the sofa and went into the kitchen.

"What happened, FP?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"Do you prefer lactose-free milk or ordinary milk for your coffee?" he looked at me. He was serious about what he said and that made me laugh.

"lactose-free, honey," I answered with a smile and went to him. I hugged him from behind and closed my eyes, savoring his closeness. "What time do guests come to us?" I asked, putting a beard on his shoulder.

"At seven"FP sighed.

"Why did you sigh? What happened?" I asked and wrinked my eyebrows.

"It's a new situation for me to have a christmas with my closer friends. I haven't had that christmas for a long time." FP turned to me and looked into my eyes. "Everything thanks to you," he added and cheered me on the cheek.

"FP ..." I whispered softly. "You are the most wonderful man in the world and you deserve the best of everything," I whispered and stood on tiptoe to kiss him.

"If it weren't for you, I would have fallen down," he said. "I wanted to do it during Christmas Eve supper, but I feel that now is the right moment for it," he said and stepped away from me.

I looked at him surprised, and the butterflies in my stomach went crazy. I did not know what he meant completely.

"Alice Susana Smith, you're the best person I've ever had in my life. You're my light in the dark where I'm often in. Thanks to you I've learned to love" FP grabbed my hand and kissed it. I felt tears in my eyes and took a deep breath, not to cry yet. "Although we didn't manage to rise Charles together, I believe that this time we will be raising our little bean for a good person. I know we will be successful."

"Honey... I love you"

"I love you too, so now... I think it's perfect time to ask you for something that I should've asked you twenty five years ago"

"I'm scared, FP" I whisper and looked at him.

"Don't be scared. Well... I'm a bit scared now, but don't be like me, babe"

"Okey, I won't be like you" I laughed softly. "Honey, what this is all about?"

"Okey. I feel that it isn't going in a good direction so I will stop talking and just do it" He knelt in front of me.

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