6 "Do you know something better for oblivion?"

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A/N: Scenes written in italic are the flashbacks of Alice's past.


A few days have passed since the memorable dinner. FP hasn't called me since then. It should please me, because that's what I wanted. I wanted him to take care of his family and leave me alone. In spite of everything, I was sad without him, which is why I decided to go with Edgar to his farm. My daughter, after a long conversation, agreed to let me take a short rest.

"Betty, are you sure you can handle it yourself?" I asked when I finished my suitcase. "One word and I will stay."

"Mom, don't worry about me. I talked to Jughead and he agreed to stay with me for the weekend" Betty grabbed my hand. "He's arguing with his mother everyday and he told me that few days' break from her constant talk will be good for him," she added quietly, and I nodded.

"I'm sad that we're not going together" I whispered and tears appeared in my eyes.

"Mom, you need rest," she said with a smile. "At the beginning I was negative about Edgar, but I see that despite his quirks, he really cares about you." she added, and I raised my eyebrows in a gesture of surprise.

"Are you really sure, Betty?" I asked quietly, and she nodded.

"Yes, mom. I'm sure" she added.

I said goodbye to my daughter and left the house. Edgar was waiting for me in his car. When he saw me, he got out of it and came to me. He grabbed my suitcase, put it in the trunk, and then opened the door for me to get into the car. I thanked him and sat down in the chair with a smile. I fastened my seatbelt and looked at my phone. I had a missed call from FP. I decided to call him back because I noticed that Edgar had already lit a cigarette.

"Alice?" I heard his voice and smiled involuntarily. "Where are you?"

"FP, I'm going to the farm," I replied quietly. "I'll be back in few days," I added quietly.

"Alice, don't do this, please," he said, and I shook my head. "This man is dangerous."

"FP, I was stupid I listened to you, Edgar isn't a bad man, he cares about me, he cares about me."

'He's brainwashed!'

"FP, I unnecessarily called, now you have your family in a set, leave me alone, I don't want to be the other one," I said, and tears appeared in my eyes.

"You know that you'll never be the other one! You've always been and you will be in the first place for me."

"I don't believe you anymore, FP. I suffered for so many years, and now I feel completely nothing," I lied. I knew that when I rejected FP, it would be easier for me to heal my soul.

"Alice, you're making a mistake."

"No, FP, I just avoid making the same mistake."

"Do you think I am a mistake?"

"I think WE are a mistake, it won't work, please don't call me anymore, don't write to me, it's best to forget me," I said with difficulty, and my body shook with sobs.

"I swear that if he forced you to do it, I will kill him with my own hands!" I heard anger in his voice and shook my head.

"No, FP, it's my decision, I have to go," I whispered, not crying. "It will be better for us."

"Alice, please ..." I didn't let him finish because I hung up and turned the phone off. Edgar got in the car and drove away.

"Breaking up is difficult," he said after a moment of silence and turned on the radio. "I promise you that you won't miss anything on the farm," he added with a smile, and I nodded.

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