32 "Those claws will be in your eyes right now"

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To take up my thoughts, I began to write an article for the school newsletter about upcoming holidays. I didn't like the fact that I would organize a winter bal with Edgar because it meant that I would have to spend a lot of time with him.

"Knock, knock" I looked up from my laptop when I heard Polly's voice. I smiled slightly.

"Hi," I said and closed my laptop. Polly came up to me and sat down.

"I was talking to the headmaster so he would take me back to school and, by the way, I bought us coffee and donuts," she handed me a cup of coffee.

"Thank you, Polly. It's nice that you've thought about me" I grabbed my mug and drank. "Oh is it latte?"

"Latte with caramel sauce. Your favorite"

"Thank you" I drank coffee again.

"I thought I could rejoin the school newspaper"

"That would be wonderful" I smiled. "Polly, I'm so glad you came back home, I thought I would not see you anymore" I grabbed my daughter's hand and smiled.

"I managed to escape, but I'm scared of Edgar. He let me go home, but I still don't trust him," I looked at her in surprise. She said something else yesterday.

"Polly, yesterday you said that you hit Edgar and escaped." I frowned and she nodded. Something didn't suit me.

"Mother, I'm sorry. I lied because I was afraid that if I told you the truth, you would be angry at me. The truth is that Edgar let me left the farm." her words didn't sound credible.

"Polly, you can't lie," I said and stood up. I approached her. "Tell me the truth, why are you here? I think Edgar told you to come back." I looked at her nervously, and she stood up.

"Mom, don't you believe me? Oh, yeah, of course, only Betty is your favorite daughter, I'm not anymore!" Polly shouted with tears in her eyes.

"Polly, do not say that!" I said loudly.

"You sent me to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy! You don't even know what I was going through. You can't imagine!"

"I know what you went through because I was there too, Polly! I know how it is!"

"Then why did you send me there when you knew that they treat young people there as rabbits for experiments?"

"I'm sorry, Polly, I was under the influence of your father!"

"My father and you are worthy of each other, mother!" Polly turned and ran out of the office, and I hit my desk with all my strength.

"Fuck you Edgar Evernever"


At the lunch break, I went to the canteen to buy a Greek salad and coffee. I planned to take food into the office and eat it.

I was worried about Polly, because she didn't answer the phone from me. With a sigh, I stood in the queue to the buffet and waited patiently for my turn.

"Good morning" I heard Edgar's voice next to my ear and I jumped.

"You did a brainwash to Polly. Why did you send her home? To confuse us?" I hissed softly and looked into his eyes.

"I sent her home because I thought you wanted to see her, I realized that I was stupid, keeping Polly away from you," he said, and I laughed.

"You are a good fairytale writer," I shook my head.

"Alice, I've changed, you have to believe me," he whispered and came closer to me. We were close to each other, our faces were a few centimeters apart.

I want you back - EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now