7 "Forbidden fruit is the sweetest"

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I was woken up by someone who was stroking my thigh. I opened my eyes and blinked several times to make my eyes look out of sight. I lay on my bed in Edgar's arms and after a while I realized what I had done. I slept with Edgar to fill the emptiness of FP. It was bad but I felt so good.

"Good morning." I heard his voice at my ear. I smiled slightly.

"Good morning." I replied quietly. I looked up and looked at him, he was so smiling and happy. For the first time I saw him like that.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked with a smile and I blushed.

"Did we sleep at all, Edgar?" I laughed and he shook his head in amusement.

"That's a good question, Alice" he sighed softly and looked at me. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and put one leg on his hip. "I couldn't sleep," he muttered and ran one hand over my thigh, touching the exact spot where I had the tattoo.

"Was it so bad?" I asked with a playful smile.

"It was perfect," he replied calmly. "Will you tell me about this tattoo?" I swallowed when I heard this question. I didn't like to talk about this tattoo because it evoked many memories, and not all of them were happy.

"When I was sixteen, I joined southside serpents, this is a gang in Riverdale, and each member must have a snake tattoo done to make him known that he belongs to a gang." I started and closed my eyes. It was harder than I thought.

"You have to get it out, Alice, you can't bottle it up" Edgar replied, and he began to stroke me with his other hand on my back.

"FP officially joined the gang the same day as me. We thought we would do matching tattoos, So we went to a tattoo artist who tattooed all club members and it happened. I said I want a tattoo that won't be visible to all people, only will be visible to him, that's why I made him on the thigh, while FP did the same tattoo on his left side. " I'm sighing. "Then we became officially king and queen of snakes, but things got complicated and I had to run from Southside to save myself and my reputation," I added and bit my lip not to cry.

"Do you regret this decision?"

"I regret now that I am running away from southside, but unfortunately I was forced to." When I was arrested, my ex-husband Hal paid the bail but said I must move into his home and start a new life with him, "I replied and shook my head. "Actually, since I married Hal, I didn't know what it means to be happy.I had to be perfect, because Hal demanded it. I had to write newspaper articles that attacked Southside, which then became a habit, and I made a lot of enemies in southside. I know I will have to apologize to them personally. I have made many mistakes, Edgar, and I will have to fix all of them, even if it will require me to get rid of pride and loss of dignity."

"I know you can handle it, Alice, you're strong, very strong," he said and grabbed my chin with his hand. He looked into my eyes and put a kiss on my lips, which, of course, after a brief reflection, I gave back.


We were late for breakfast.


Edgar assured me that there would be full of everything on the farm. Yes, I did have food, drink, fresh air, but I lacked telephone coverage and contact with the world. Edgar also wouldn't let me leave the farm, but I didn't even know where to go. Within a few kilometers of the farm, I didn't see any home or store. Apparently, the nearest town was about forty kilometers away.

Edgar's aunt prepared very large amounts of tea for me. I appreciated her efforts, but after the tea I felt very bad. My stomach ached, I often felt dizzy and wanted to sleep. These are completely different symptoms that I had a few days earlier when Edgar was preparing his tea for me.

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