16 "Bad boy I heard You're officially free"

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Finally, the long-awaited day of the trial has come. I came to court in with the company of Jughead Jellybean and Betty. Alice didn't show up because she had an important meeting in the school newspaper, but she promised to come as soon as possible.

I wasn't angry at her, I was glad she wouldn't be there, because Gladys could say a few words too much in the courtroom.

"Are you stress?" Jughead asked, and I heaved a sigh.

"Not so much," I replied and strained to smile.

After a moment, Sierra McCoy approached us. She looked at me with a comforting smile.

"Don't worry, FP. You'll get a divorce and look after the children, I'll take care of it," she replied with a smile, and I nodded.

"Thank you, Sierra," I said and I grabbed the hand of Jellybean, who was looking around curiously at the corridor.

"Where is mom?" she asked, and I sighed.

"Mom will be right here" Jughead took his sister in his arms and hugged her tightly. "Are you sleepy?"

"A little bit," she murmured.

"FP" the front door opened and Gladys, Heather and a man came in. I looked at my almost-ex-wife and sighed.

"You're lucky you came," I growled, and the guy who stood next to them came up to me, ready to hit me.

"Something doesn't suit you?" he asked and I laughed loudly.

"Many things don't suit me, and one thing I see in front of me" I looked at him. I knew it provoked him, but we were in court, so if he hit me he would have problems.

"This is Andre, my ... Friend," said Gladys, and she grabbed her "friend" by the hand.

"That's what they say now. Friend," I smiled ironically, knowing that the win was on my side.

"You and Alice are also friends, right?" Gladys asked, and I gritted my teeth.

"A good relationship is based on friendship and I hope that today I will be able to come back to her and tell her that I have finally freed myself from our toxic marriage," I growled. Gladys opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't, because the door to the courtroom opened.

"A case brought by Forsythe Pendleton II Jones against the defendant Gladys Jones. I invite you to the courtroom," we heard the reporter's voice and after a while we entered the courtroom.


I couldn't concentrate on anything today because I didn't know how the divorce case of FP and Gladys would end.

"I am glad that so many people want to write articles for our school newsletter, it really means a lot to me, for the headmaster and for the School." I said with a smile and looked at the students who sat in front of me. There were about ten of them and this is a very good result as it has a school newspaper.

"All the pleasure on our side, Mrs. Smith," said Veronica Lodge, and Archie nodded.

"I have read a lot of your articles about us," Sweet Pea began, and I refrained from rolling my eyes. "And I said I would like to write like you too," he added, and I breathed out.

"I'm glad, Sweet Pea," I replied.

"What are the conditions?" Toni asked, and I looked at her.

"You write what you think and publish it right away. There are no conditions, and I take all the problems on my back" I said, and Toni nodded.

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