36 "He is dead"

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A/N: I don't know what timezone is in Your Country but I want to wish You Happy New Year! <3



I knew it was a bad idea to go to Whyte Wyrm and leave Polly alone at home. I saw that she behaved rather strangely and now I know why. There was a great deal of confusion under Alice's house. Polly was aiming a gun at Fred, Fred was aiming at Edgar, who was holding the knife at Alice's neck. My heart stopped at that moment. I started running towards them, but when I heard two shots, I was scared

I tried to look at what had happened. Edgar fell to the floor with a bullet in his chest. Evelyn ran to him, crying. Polly sat on the stairs and the gun fell from her hands. Fred ran to Alice, who fell to the floor, stained with Edgar's blood.

"Do not move!" Tom Keller's voice pulled me out of shock.

"Tom, you shot Edgar?" I asked, surprised.

"No." Tom shook his head. "It was Evelyn"

I shook my head and ran to Alice and Fred. I looked terrified at them. 

"What about her?" I took Alice in my arms and looked at Fred.

"She fainted, FP, Alice is safe now" Fred patted my shoulder and I nodded. A tear ran down my cheek.

In the next few minutes the ambulance took Edgar to the hospital. Polly and Evelyn were taken by Tom to the police station, and Fred sat next to me and stared at the great stain of blood on the sidewalk.

"A nasty thing," he murmured, and I looked at him surprised. He showed his hand at a stain of blood. "Do you have any bleach?" Alice will go crazy when she sees it. "Fred laughed and I nodded.

"I think I will find something like that," I smiled and looked at Alice, who opened her eyes.

"Did I die? I see a beautiful Angel," my woman stroked my cheek. "Where's Polly? Where's Edgar?"

"Alice ... Polly is at the police station." Alice sat down violently next to me when she heard those words.

"Why?" she asked, surprised.

"She aimed her gun at Fred and participated in the help of abducting you. She's being interrogated for now."

"I understand." Alice nodded. "Is it over now?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes, you're safe now," I nodded with a smile.

"Where's Edgar?"

"In the hospital, he lost a lot of blood, no one knows whether he survives," Fred replied and sighed heavily.

"Polly shot him?" tears appeared in Alice's eyes. She began to breathe quickly, so I hugged her.

"Alice, it wasn't Polly. It was Evelyn," I whispered softly, feeling Alice calm down slowly.

"Evelyn? Why?" she asked weakly.

"We'll find out at the police station. Come home Alice. You have to change your clothes." I helped her up and looked at Fred. "Will you drop by, Freddie?"

"No, thanks. I'm going to spend some time with my son." Fred smiled and walked towards his home.

"Thank you, Fred!" Alice shouted at him, and he waved her hand. "He saved my life again"

"Real hero" I smiled and went home with Alice.


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