Ch. 40: Broken

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"Kiara Malfoy."

Chapter 40: Broken

The last few days of the school term passed in a blur. Kiara couldn't even tell anyone what happened in general, considering she felt like a zombie for most of it. More importantly, the Ministry of Magic and Cornelius Fudge finally addressed and confirmed Voldemort's return, even though they were one year overdue in their announcement.

'"It is with great regret that I must confirm that the wizard styling himself Lord--well, you know who I mean--is alive and among us again," Fudge said to reporters for the Daily Prophet, looking tired and flustered.

Lucius Malfoy and the other Death Eaters who were caught in the Department of Mysteries were arrested and locked away in Azkaban, but it was only a matter of time before they would break out. The Dementors were no longer continuing under the Ministry's reign, and were avidly taking direction from Voldemort. Draco was still livid, storming around the school and attempting to corner Kiara alone, without any teachers or friends to help her. He failed every time, skulking back away when he noticed that she was surrounded by other students. Most students were finally less fearful of Kiara and were much more willing to show their respect towards her. Apparently, defying her father and fighting a group of Death Eaters tended to change people's attitudes.

Over the course of the year, she neglected considering where she would spend her summer holidays. It wasn't something she wanted to think about, so she kept pushing it aside until it eventually required her attention. Returning to Malfoy Manor would be incredibly dangerous and it was likely that she would not return to Hogwarts for her sixth year if she did. Fortunately, before the end of term, she received a letter from Dumbledore explaining that she would spend the summer at the Burrow with Ron and Ginny. Apparently, Mrs Weasley was more than willing to host her for the summer, and for the holidays thereafter if she needed.

On the other hand, Hermione and Ron were held in the Hospital Wing for a few days because of their injuries. On Ron's forearms, there were deep welts where the brain's tentacles wrapped around him. Hermione however, was hit by a curse that caused sufficient damage and resulted in her taking ten different types of potion every day. While the others made full recoveries, Harry was still emotionless and quiet. The sudden death of his godfather was evidently on his mind. Kiara never pressed or raised the subject but she showed him comfort and condolences through a self-care package that she managed to put together. It would never fill the hole in his heart from losing the closest member to his family but she hoped it would make a difference.

Surely enough, Harry began to suspiciously smell like the coconut body wash that she gave him.

No one could forget Umbridge either, who was rescued from the Forbidden Forest by Dumbledore himself. Dumbledore had strode alone into the Forest to rescue her from the centaurs; how he had done it, how he had emerged from the trees supporting Professor Umbridge without so much as a scratch on him, nobody knew, and Umbridge was certainly not telling. She did not utter a single word as she lay in the Hospital Wing, gazing up at the ceiling overwhelmed by shock and most likely, inferiority. Nobody really knew what was wrong with her, either. Her usually neat mousy hair was very untidy and there were still bits of twigs and leaves in it, but otherwise she seemed to be quite unscathed. For those who received the worst end of Umbridge which essentially was the whole school, it gave them pure joy to see the toad finally got what she deserved.

If Fred and George were here, Kiara knew they would be begging Madam Pomfrey for a visit to the Hospital Wing to cause her more agony and embarrassment.

When she thought of Fred, her heart ached with guilt. She hadn't spoken to him since he left Hogwarts to return to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. The two-way notebook remained closed on her bedside table and the letters she subsequently received from Shadow were unopened next to her bed. Speaking with Fred was difficult, painful even. The thought of nearly killing him with her flames haunted her, both when she was awake and asleep. The dreamcatcher charm given to her on Valentine's Day that was attached to her gold bracelet failed to keep the night terrors away. It took her a few days to realise why. She wasn't actually having nightmares. She was reliving the events of her body under possession over and over and pointing her hands at Fred, noticing the pure fear and terror in his eyes as Voldemort's cold laugh echoed through her mind.

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