Chapter 2

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Jeonghan was awakened by water being thrown all over his face and body. When he opened his eyes, he wasn't surprised to see Lee Jae-sung, the owner of the mansion, in front of him. Behind him was Mingyu who was holding an empty bucket. He murmured a quiet "sorry" before walking away.

"Thanks, Mingyu." Jae-sung said staring at Jeonghan who was shivering.

"What do you want?" Jeonghan asked in anger.

"How dare you speak to me like that?" Jae-sung asked calmly. "Do I have to remind you to whom you are speaking with?"

"No... I-"

"Because if you don't remember, I have my ways to clear your mind."

"No, I'm sorry..." Jeonghan whispered in defeat.

"That's what I thought." Jae-sung said smirking. "I have an offer for you. You might like it."

"What is it?" Jeonghan asked suspiciously.

"Don't look at me like that! You know the rules. Either smile or make a neutral face."

"I apologize." Jeonghan said.

"As you may know, you look like me and-"

"I'm your twin brother."

"I told you to never use that word... twins." Jae-sung said with a disgusted expression on his face.

"How can you do this? I've been trapped here for four months. I'm not an animal."

"Animals don't deserve to be trapped either and yet they are. They need to be free. Didn't you study?" Jae-sung answered with a smirk.


"Stop talking! Or shall I punish you again? I've heard that you're back still has visible marks."

Jeonghan lower his head and didn't answer. He still remembers his punishment because of his attempt to escape. How the guards brought him back to the mansion. How he discovered that Lee Jae-sung told his guards that he had a childhood trauma and that that's the reason why they never saw him before. How he supposedly stayed at a hospital for most of his childhood and part of his teenage years. All of this lies making Jae-sung look like a hero because he took him from the hospital after a nurse "hit him" because of his behavior. He was trapped and he knew it. Every time he tried to escape, it was seen like he had a breakdown from his inexistente trauma.

"Good boy!" Jae-sung said. "Now, don't speak until I finish. If you don't interrupt me, I'll give you double the rice you normally eat."

That was another thing, Jeonghan only ate rice once a day. Nothing more and nothing less. He's lucky that sometimes a servant can sneak food to provide him a little more. Usually, it would be one of the maids, Seungcheol, Woozi, or sometimes Mingyu.

"I'll allow you to speak now. Did you understand?"

"Yes..." Jeonghan whispered.

"Good boy." Jae-sung said again. "So, I was thinking and I realized that I deserve a vacation. I was thinking Switzerland or I don't know maybe Africa would be fun."

Jeonghan didn't understand why he was being told about this. It was the most normal conversation he has ever had with his twin brother. He was so confused at that moment.

"Anyway... this is where you come in." Jae-sung said. "Do you understand?"

"Yes..." Jeonghan lied.

"Okay! Then... this might shock you, but I am married to a really handsome, kind, and beautiful man. The thing is that my husband will be here. I love him so much, but Seokmin invited me to travel and when I said "no", he assured me that he will insist. I can't just let him come here and try to convince me to go in front of my husband. That would get me in so much trouble." Jae-sung explained laughing a little at the end. "Do you understand?"

"Yes..." Jeonghan whispered not really understanding where he was going.

"To wrap it up and I know you'll love this. I'll set you free!"

"Really?" Jeonghan asked with hope in his eyes.

"After like... six months."

"What? Why?"

"You must be really slow. Did you even study? Do poor people don't study to comprehend different situations in life?" Jae-sung asked pretending to be concerned.

"Yes... I did study..."

"Whoever gave you classes probably just showed you how to be stupid."

"I still am not understanding what you want from me."Jeonghan said trying to change the topic.

"Fine! It's obvious, but to prevent your brain from burning... I'll help you." He said before taking a deep breath to not lose his patience. "I need you to be me while I'm away."

"What?" Jeonghan asked in disbelief.

"You heard me... or are you deaf now?" Jae-sung asked. "You will be me. You will act like you're a married man with my husband, but he will not notice that you are not me."

"But... what about your husband?"

"You don't have to worry, if you really do care. I'll have my vacation and you will have my husband, money, and to resume it, you will have my life. You will be a billionaire with my husband, the love of my life, while I'm away and I'll be a millionaire with my cute little toy."

"You are going on vacation with Seokmin and you call him a little toy. You are cheating on your husband and you still say that you love him."

"I'll go on this vacation, which I deserve, and after that I'll just dump Seokmin. I will be with my dear husband and you will leave. I'm so nice to you, aren't I?"

"I don't want to do this..." Jeonghan whispered.

"It's either that or you'll stay here forever. Not to mention that I will punish you for not obeying me." Jae-sung threaten. "You have an hour... your choice."

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