Chapter 22

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"He's pregnant!"

"Don't be absurd, Mingyu." Joshua said with a frown.

"I hate to admit it, but he could be right." Hansol said. "I mean, what better way to stop the divorce?"

"Hansol! Jae-sung would never do that."

"He'll do whatever it takes to stop the divorce, Joshua. You have the money, he doesn't." Hansol insisted. "He has to be pregnant and considering he has always hated children and avoided having them, I think it's a trick to stop the divorce."

"It can't be. He won't go that low." Joshua denied looking at the ceiling.

"Oh, come on! The dizziness, the vomiting, and the weird cravings. It's been happening all together for three days. I will not even mention when he passed out last week. Those are pregnancy symptoms. Open your eyes, man!" Hansol exclaimed. "Not to mention that you two had been having sex every time you are alone."

"What do you want me to do?" Joshua asked.

"Buy a pregnancy test!" Hansol screamed. "How dumb can you be?"

"Respect your elders... and I can't do that. I have work to do."

"What are you afraid of?" Hansol asked without getting a reply. "Fine!"

Joshua and Mingyu saw how an angry Hansol left the office. Joshua sigh after his brother closed the door.

"Are you alright, sir?"

"I'm fine... you can leave if you want."

"Thank you... I'll leave you alone, sir."

Mingyu went out of his boss's office and went straight to Wonwoo's room. After knocking on his door, he waited for it to be opened. Once Wonwoo was in front of him, he talked.

"I need your help..."


"Leave me alone, Hansol!" Seungkwan yelled walking away from the guy.

"Seungkwan, please. I just need you to give it to him." Hansol said with a box of pregnancy test on his hand. "I bought this stupid stuff and it was so embarrassing. People looked at me weirdly even when I explained it wasn't for me."

"I don't care! If you want him to take that and use it, then give it to him yourself." Seungkwan entered Joshua's room and slammed the door in Hansol's face.

"Well, maybe I will!" He yelled before looking down at the pregnancy test. "How will I give this to him?"


"I've done it!" Mingyu exclaimed walking inside Hansol's room without knocking on the door.

"Mingyu! You've never entered without knocking. I'm proud..." Hansol said.

"You'll be prouder when you see this..." He answered showing Hansol a pregnancy test in his hand.

"Did you get Wonwoo pregnant?"

"I wish! But no..." Mingyu answered. "This is Jeong- I mean, Jae-sung's pregnancy test and we have a result."

Hansol looked at Mingyu incredulously. He couldn't believe that he had done that.

"How did you-"

"I got a little help. Lawyers know how to persuade." Mingyu said winking at him.

"You are a genius." Hansol said. "Let me see."

Mingyu gave him the pregnancy test and Hansol saw the result.

"Positive." He whispered before standing up and walking out of his room. Mingyu followed him.

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