Chapter 29

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Eunhyuk and Seokmin looked at Joshua after hearing the sudden scream of a man coming from the second floor of the mansion. The owner of the mansion was just as surprised as them.

"Excuse me..." Joshua said before trying to go upstairs.

"No!" Seungcheol screamed standing in front of him. "I mean, I'll go. It could be dangerous!"

"Dangerous? Seungcheol, that scream sounded like it came from Seungkwan. We are used to it."

"Yeah... you're right, but you should stay here. I mean, you have guests and it would be rude to leave them alone."

"Oh, no. It's alright. Someone could be injured." Mr. Lee said.

"Thank you..." Joshua said walking passed Seungcheol.

"No offense, but you are not helping me at all, sir." Seungcheol said looking at Eunhyuk before running a few steps up the stairs to stop Joshua. "Let me go for you... please! I'm begging you!"

"Seungcheol, you scared me." Joshua said as he almost fell because of Seungcheol's sudden appearance. "Don't do that when I'm in the middle of the stairs. You could kill me."

"I am so sorry, sir."

"You're acting like you're hiding something from me."

"What?! No! I just think you should stay here. Besides, Hansol must be with him. He isn't screaming anymore."

Joshua looked at Seungcheol with a frown on his face. He felt like there was something wrong, but he knew that it wasn't the right moment to ask. His guests do not need to see him questioning his trusted bodyguard.

"Fine, go and make sure that everything is alright. If anything is wrong, tell me. I'll go to my office with Eunhyuk and his son in a few minutes."

Seungcheol nodded and turned around. He rushed up the stairs ignoring Seokmin's gaze on him. Now he knew that Jae-sung's lover will probably have some questions for him or any other employee that knows about his love affair with Jae-sung.


Seungcheol ran through the halls trying to find Seungkwan and the others, since they were not in the room he left them before going to work. He didn't hear a word from anyone until he heard sobbing in Hansol's room. Confused, he entered the room without knocking.

"What's wrong? What are you doing here? Why did Seungkwan scream? Why is Jeonghan crying?!"

"Seungcheol, calm down." Woozi said walking towards him and closing the door before hugging him.

"It was hard for me to convince Joshua to not come here. I almost made him fell off the stairs. You guys owe me a good explanation and it better not be some Seungkwan drama."

"Seungcheol, you don't have the rights to demand..."

"Just tell me what's wrong!" Seungcheol whined.

"Okay... let's just calm down." Seungkwan said. "Jeonghan, please stop crying. You've been crying for like... an hour or more."


"He's been crying since he discovered that Seokmin is Joshua's coworker. Then, he cried because Hansol knows about him, and now..."

"Seungcheol, we need your brain. We need you to think because you are technically the only one not freaking out."

"I'm starting to freak out."

"Just tell him what's wrong!" Mingyu exclaimed.

"Fine, but don't scream!" Seungkwan exclaimed before talking. "Jae-sung just texted me and he said that he's waiting for us to open the dungeon door to switch places with Jeonghan."

"What?" Seungcheol asked in shock.

"What do we do?"

"I've already told you..."

"Hansol, you are not going to break his nose." Seungkwan said. "I'm trying to talk to Seungcheol."

"Fine..." Hansol said. "What do we do, Seungcheol? Enlighten us with your intelligence. Give us a better idea."

"I... don't know."

"See! Even he can't think of a better thing to do!" Hansol exclaimed. "Just let me open that door and I'll give him a nice greeting."


"Seungkwan, I'm your boss and I order you to give me that stupid key!"

"Hansol, I'm your boyfriend and I order you to shut up!"

Hansol opened his mouth to talk, but closed it again and walked backwards until his back hit the wall. Seungkwan glared at him before looking at Seungcheol.

"You have to think! We can't just let him come here out of nowhere and tell us he wants to come back. What do you think we should do?"

"I'm thinking!" Seungcheol exclaimed desperately. "Stop pressuring me! My brain doesn't work under pressure."

"Why did he came back?" Mingyu asked. "He said that  before coming he would call Seungkwan, so he could tell Jeonghan. Why did he come all of a sudden?"

"According to what he said... Seokmin would be occupied and he doesn't want to tell him that he's leaving. He wants him to figure it out when he goes back to the apartment and realizes that he and his belongings are gone. He's mad because Seokmin decided to do what his father told him and work responsibly ignoring his protests." Seungkwan explained. "It was unexpected and we need an idea as soon as possible."

"I told you! We need to tell everyone the truth now. This was meant to happen and you all knew it. You all wasted your time trying to figure out how to solve this situation when you had the answer in front of you all along. We just need to tell Joshua!" Woozi said.

"I got it!" Seungcheol exclaimed.

"Finally! I told you that Seungcheol is the smart one. What's your plan?"

"Maybe we should just let them switch. Joshua will noticed it's not the same man that has been with him this three and a half months. At the end, Jae-sung will feel pressured because of Joshua's questioning about his hair, his personality, and the baby that he will give up. Maybe he'll tell him the truth and we will not have to do it ourselves." Seungcheol said earning everyone's attention.

"That is so-"

"Genius!" Seungkwan exclaimed interrupting Woozi.

"You guys can't be serious!" Hansol said incredulous. " I will not let that guy lie to my brother again, specially now with everything he has done. What would happen with Jeonghan and the baby?"

"This could work, Hansol. He's already out there waiting and we don't have much time. We'll just keep communicating with Jeonghan and when Joshua wants to meet him, we'll just bring him here again. They'll live happily ever after, right?" Seungkwan asked. "Right, Jeong-"

Seungkwan turned around to discover that Jeonghan was not sitting on the bed or anywhere in the room. Everyone looked at each other confused.

"Where is him?" Seungcheol asked.

"Where's Mingyu?" Hansol asked noticing that the tall guy was not there either.

They all rushed out of the room and through the halls trying to find them. Seungkwan stopped when he saw Joshua's office door being opened with unnecessary force. An angry Seokmin ran out of it with his worried father following him. They walked towards the door passing by the father and son's side.

They were surprised once they saw what was happening in the office. Standing in front of the desk was Mingyu with a sad face looking at the scene in front of him. Joshua was standing in the middle of the room with an expressionless face. Jeonghan was on his knees crying harder than he was before.

At that moment, they knew what was happening... Jeonghan confessed everything.

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