Chapter 9

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Jeonghan explained everything to Seungkwan. They were both clueless about what was going on. Seungkwan assured that Joshua has never been like that with Jae-sung and that makes Jeonghan even more nervous believing that he knew about him. They could only keep guessing what was wrong with Joshua.

"Oh my God!" Seungkwan exclaimed.

"What? Did you think of something?" Jeonghan asked.

"What if he-" Seungkwan started talking, but he put his own hand on his mouth before continuing.

"What if he what? Talk, Seungkwan, say it!"

"What if he cheated on Jae-sung?" Seungkwan answered before gasping and putting his hand over his mouth again.

"Oh... God! That could be possible!" Jeonghan exclaimed. "I mean, his change of attitude and the way he doesn't even look at me... it's either that or he knows about me."

"I think he still doesn't know about you. Yes, he's smart, but how could he know?"

"I don't know! I'm nervous. Maybe we should sleep on it and talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay, yeah... you're right. I need my beauty sleep."


"Goodnight... see you tomorrow!"


The next morning, Jeonghan was the first one to wake up. It was still dark outside, but he didn't feel tired. Once he saw the time, he knew why he was awake so early.

"Four o'clock. Typical... I guess this four months really affected me." He whispered to himself.

Once he was outside his room, he went to look for Seungkwan. He was still asleep and covered with a blanket like a burrito. Even though Jeonghan didn't want to wake him up, he needed him.

"Seungkwan..." Jeonghan whispered while shaking his shoulder. "Seungkwan, please, wake up..."

"Oh... of course I'll marry you... Hansol..."

"Seungkwan!" Jeonghan whispered/yelled making Seungkwan wake up.

"What? What's wrong?!" Seungkwan said sitting down. "What is your problem, Jeonghan? I was having one of the best dreams of all time and you ruined it."

"I'm sorry, but I really need you right now."

Jeonghan pulled a whining Seungkwan out of his bed. Both of them only wearing pijamas walked through the halls until they found Jae-sung's office. They immediately entered and sat on the long couch.

"So... why am I here?" Seungkwan asked. "I can't do anything about this. Gossip isn't a guessing game. We need to hear, observe, and understand to actually gossip about it."

"I don't know what to do, Seungkwan! You're the magical one here. Investigate what's going on, please!"

"I'll try, but he was normal with everyone else. Seungcheol and Woozi talked to him about his trip, the guards asked about his health, and the maids asked about any food he liked from the trip. They just heard his happy stories about his journey. They didn't hear anything suspicious." Seungkwan explained. "When I talked to him, he was normal. All smiley, talkative, and just... happy. I don't get why he would act like that with you... I mean, Jae-sung."

"It's weird. It makes me nervous. I don't know what to do."

"I'll need to ask indirectly to Jae-sung if he did anything wrong. I still believe that maybe our lovable Joshua cheated on Jae-sung and now his conscious doesn't let him be the husband he has always been."

"Maybe... but he doesn't seem to be like that."

"Well, the one you described to me yesterday doesn't sound like my Joshua. I think..."

Seungkwan stopped talking when a voice was heard outside the office. Jeonghan saw how Seungkwan's eyes went wide open and his mouth fall open. He didn't know what was happening. They only heard murmuring voices and Jeonghan could only identify Joshua's, but he didn't know who was the owner of the other voice.

"Oh my God..." Seungkwan whispered. "It can't be..."

"What?" Jeonghan asked confused.

"It's him..." Seungkwan said as he stood up and walked to the door.

Jeonghan saw Seungkwan trying to hear what was being said on the other side of the door. When the voices were not heard anymore, Seungkwan screamed out of joy. Jeonghan jumped because of the sudden scream and looked at Seungkwan like he was crazy.

"He's staying here, Jeonghan. He's staying!" He exclaimed happily.


"Hansol! He's here! And I heard it all... Hansol is staying here!" Seungkwan answered jumping up and down.

"Oh no... that's not good!"

"Yes, it is! I'll see him every day! Like when we were at school..."

"No, it's not good! The binders say that Jae-sung and Hansol are enemies. They only act nice to each other in front of Joshua, but they can't stand each other if they are alone." Jeonghan said. "I can't act like I hate him! I'll get scared if he screams at me..."

"Well, that explains why you never screamed at Jae-sung back... I guess I'll never leave your side when you're with Hansol. I don't mind that at all... I mean, I'll spend more time around him." Seungkwan said laughing a little.

"That would be great..." Jeonghan said in relief.

"Yeah... especially for me." Seungkwan said dreamingly. "Let's get out of here. You need to check if Joshua changed how he acted yesterday and I need to walk in front of Hansol to see his reaction when he sees this sexy body of mine."

"Okay... let's go then."


Jeonghan entered his room sighing. He still felt nervous about being Jae-sung and to be "married" to a man he doesn't know. He scratched his head out of frustration and jumped on the bed.

"What do I do now?"

"Do what?" Someone asked behind him.

"Joshua..." Jeonghan said turning around. "When did you come here?"

"I was always here. You just jumped on the bed. You've never done that before." Joshua said looking at him. "I thought you hated long hair."

"Oh... I don't."

"Yes, you do. You told me yourself that long hair was trouble and that it was not your style."

"I- I want to talk to you!" Jeonghan exclaimed.

He didn't know where he got the guts to talk like that, but he got desperate. It was like Joshua was interrogating him and he felt trapped. Now he needed to think of a topic to discuss.

"About what?" Joshua asked.

"About your... your brother! Yeah, your brother." Jeonghan said unconsciously nodding.

"What about him?"

"Well... you just came back and you invited him to stay here. That's right, i know." Jeonghan said as fast as he could.

"Are you alright? You're shaking." Joshua said noticing that his "husband" was nervous.

"I... I'm fine." Jeonghan said looking down. "I-"

"Yeah... you're right. We need to talk." Joshua said surprising Jeonghan.

"We do? I mean... yeah, we do!"

"But not about my brother."

"Then, what?" Jeonghan asked.

"Jae-sung..." Joshua said before sighing. "I think we need space..."

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