Chapter 6

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Woozi entered the kitchen with his eyes half closed. When he walked to the refrigerator, he yelled as he discovered Jeonghan sleeping on the counter.

"Jeonghan! What the hell?!"

"What?! Where is the thief?" Seungcheol asked sprinting inside the kitchen with a bat in his hands.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" Woozi screamed.

"I fell asleep here, Woozi." Jeonghan said yawning. "Where did you get that bat?"

"I... it doesn't matter where I got it. Why are you sleeping here?"

"I was eating and it just... happened."

"Well... you look terrible!"

"Thank you, Seungcheol. That makes me feel so much better." Jeonghan said sarcastically.

"What is it with this people? Trying to give me a heart attack..." Whispered an angry Woozi. "Is this 'give Woozi a heart attack week'?"

"I'm sorry, Woozi. I just fell asleep."

"Well, you should know the limits!"

"What limits?"

"Don't sleep in the kitchen. Ever!" Woozi exclaimed.

"That's a limit?" Jeonghan asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"No, that's a warning." Woozi answered holding a knife.

"You should not sleep in the kitchen, Jeonghan." Seungcheol said. "Trust me, you better do what he says."

"Yeah... I didn't sleep here on purpose, so I'll try to not do it again."

"Okay, then make sure you don't do it." Seungcheol said.

"I'm leaving... I need to study my life of six months." Jeonghan said without thinking.

"What?" Woozi asked.

"Nothing!" Jeonghan answered running away.


Jeonghan was in his room studying the binders. He laughed as he read every detail about Jae-sung. Everything that describes him in both binders does not seem like the awful person he has known as his twin brother. The information describes a sweet, kind, and lovable person. It's so different from the Jae-sung he knows, that if the details were not written in binders, he would think that they were actually a book about the perfect couple.

Just as he was laughing at an unbelievable detail, the door flew open. Seungkwan stepped inside the room and looked at him suspiciously.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked.


"Don't lie to me! Is it about the information I wrote?" Seungkwan asked before gasping. "Did I misspelled a word? Let me see that!"

"No..." Jeonghan said as the book was taken away from him.

"No... there isn't any mistakes." Seungkwan said looking at the page. "What is so funny about it?"

"Nothing really."

"Tell me..." Seungkwan insisted with his eyes half-closed.

"Fine... it's just that Jae-sung doesn't sound like the one in the binders." Jeonghan replied making Seungkwan chuckle a little.

"He doesn't sound like that, does he?" Seungkwan said laughing louder.

"Yeah... I mean, he sounds so different. It says that he even gives money to charity! What is this?"

"Between you and me, that's Joshua's money. Jae-sung gets the credit because Joshua can't go in person to those charity events."

"That is sad. The good guy is Joshua and Jae-sung gets the credit for it."

"Yeah... but he doesn't care. Both of them, actually. Jae-sung gets the credit and Joshua only cares about helping people. It's practically a win win."

"Do you think he's too evil?" Jeonghan asked.

"Well... I don't know. He's different with me sometimes, but that's only when he wants something from me." Seungkwan answered. "What am I saying? He's horrible! If I say that I will not do what he wants, then he'll scream "I'm your boss and you will do what I say". He isn't even polite. When he asked me to write the information that is in those binders, he said "write everything you know about me and everything I do in my daily life when Joshua is here. Your due date is tomorrow at 8:00am". It was a horrible task, even though I love gossip."

"At what time did he order you to do it?"

"He woke me up at 10:00pm and I didn't sleep the whole night. As I said before, it was horrible!"

"That's cruel..." Jeonghan said looking down. "I still have this little hope that he might be a good guy. I don't know, maybe it's because he's my twin brother. I would like to know what made him be like this."

"Well... haven't you heard that sometimes one twin is good and the other one is bad? Maybe that's your answer. You were adopted too."

"How do you know that?"

"I know everything..." Seungkwan replied moving his hands in the air. "... and I was asked to look for information about you when you were first hidden in the dungeon."

"I should have known..." Jeonghan whispered. "By the way, why is there a dungeon in this mansion?"

"Oh, that's a funny one." Seungkwan said laughing. "Joshua borrowed a set of movies from Hansol and they were all about evil kings and old style stuff. There were dungeons and out of nowhere Joshua said, "you know what? I want a dungeon". It was hilarious."

"It's not that hilarious for me..."

"It was funny when he said he wanted one and when it was constructed. It was never used until you came, so there is where it stopped being funny."

"Well... at least you understand me." Jeonghan said smiling.

Seungkwan and Jeonghan kept talking about the details. If Jeonghan didn't understand something, Seungkwan would explain why, how, and when it happened. They continued to read the binders and when they were in the middle of the second binder... someone burst inside the room. It was Jae-sung.

"What's wrong?" Seungkwan asked noticing Jae-sung's concerned face.

"I need to leave. Now!" He exclaimed.

"Why?" Seungkwan asked confused.

"Joshua is here."

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