Chapter 29- The Names

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I looked up at Matt still contemplating whether I should tell him about my past or not. I've only ever told May and I guess Lauren knows too.

"I didn't really grow up with parents" a look of realization hit him. Of course I didn't, they died when I was a baby. Heck, I don't even know what they looked like.

"The woman I was left with was really nice though. She was a widow who lived alone and had a son who was already married." I smiled at the thought of her. "She took such good care of me; taught me how to always respect people, how being good to people was the right thing to do. I always listened to her without complain, she was wonderful and she always told me I was special." Matt didn't say anything, he just left me to spill everything out and I think that's what I needed as I had already started.

"When I was 12 though, she became really sick. Turns out she had cancer and it was her final days. But her being the good person she always was, she didn't just leave me. She made arrangements with her son and his wife for them to take me in and after her death they did. But they weren't like her. They were filthy rich and money was everything to them. Maybe that's why they didn't have children of their own." I thought the last part aloud.

"They provided everything for me though; they didn't leave space for me to complain about material things. However, none of them had any parental touch. The man, Frederick, went to his 9 to 5 job everyday, then came home, had dinner and was either locked in his office or went straight to his bedroom. And the woman, Tessa, was always out socializing with friends and going to tea parties." I sighed.

I was now in Matt's arms on our bed while he absentmindedly played with the ring on my finger while listening.

"I think the only reason I made it out of there sane was because I always remembered what Ma thought me; be good, don't give people a reason to dislike you. And that's what I did, for the next five and a half years I lived with them physically and with her in my heart." I laid there reminiscing.

"You moved out when you were eighteen?" Matt's voice was finally heard.

"Yeah, to come to college. I told them I wanted to and they didn't mind. They actually pay for my tuition and send money to my bank account every month. After I left, I thought about it and I guess that's how they express their love. They provided me with everything without complain and they're still doing it. I don't know why they're that way but they are."

"Are you still in contact with them?" Matt asked again

"Sometimes Frederick calls; probably to see if I'm still alive" I chuckled a bit. "He asks about my grades and always wants to know if I need anything more. I suppose after all, he is his mother's son and because she cared for me dearly, he has it in the back of his mind that he has to somehow please her by making sure I'm comfortable."

After a few minutes of silence, Matt again asked, "What was her name?"

"Elizabeth" I whispered out.

This time he put his hand on my belly and gently rubbed it.

"Maybe we can have a little Elizabeth"

What? I looked up at him trying to understand what he was saying.

"If it's a girl we can name her Elizabeth" He clarified when I didn't say anything. I never really thought about it but I like the idea. She was a good person, and I would wish for everyone to be so loving and caring to the people around them. I smiled at Matt in confirmation and gently stretched up to peck his lips.

"And what if it's a boy?" I asked him and I saw him thinking about it. "Maybe we could name him after your father" I suggested.

"No no!" He was quick to say and I looked at him funny. No? Why no?

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