Chapter 5- The Answers

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"Aahhh finally we've been waiting a while for your arrival" a tall, broad, handsome-might I add- man said, "Please son, bring her to have a seat, let's get this started." Yup definitely Matt's and Nathan's dad. He looked very young though. You could surely see where they got their good looks from. We walked to some seats and sat down. Everyone eyeing me suspiciously;

The insanely pale, lean man dressed in all black for some reason looked really scary. He was sitting a couple seats down from me on the other side of the table. HOLY SHIT HIS EYES WERE GOLD. I've never seen someone with such gold eyes. He had a broader man standing behind his chair in a soldier-like way also dressed in black. A body guard? Wow. Wait, his eyes were purple? They were probably fans of contact lenses.

Then there was a very, very gorgeous blonde woman sitting opposite me, she had natural looking almost green eyes, probably a couple years older than me, holding hands with the adorable man sitting next to her. She was wearing a remarkable pink, long, satin dress and the man had on a black suit. Very stylish. I wish I could pull that off. They had a girl who looked to be in her late teens standing behind them. She's a body guard? Highly doubt that.

Also there was Mr. Taylor sitting at the head of the table holding hands with a beautiful woman who had on a beautiful polka dotted dress. Matt's and Nathan's mother perhaps? Matt had her blue eyes. I truly wish I look like that when I got older. It was almost as if these people never aged.

Then on my side of the table had two men sitting looking of age as Mr. Taylor and also very fine-looking. Then there was Nathan, Matt, myself, Jason and another boy who looked our age. He had normal dark brown eyes and long black hair messily tied in a pony tail.

"Okay Lilly, this is my dad and mom; Lucas and Julie" Matt said gesturing to his parents.

"It's so nice to meet you dear." His mother beamed at me and his dad smiled. I nodded my head in thanks.

"This is Lauren and Stephen" he said gesturing to the other lovely couple opposite us.

"You are so beautiful" Lauren said with a smile but it looked as if her compliment had another meaning.

"Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You're gorgeous." I replied and she laughed.

"That's Jack" Matt continued motioning to the scary man all in black who winked at me with a smirk on his face. I heard Matt growl like an animal next to me and inwardly laughed at what possible reason he could be doing that.

"Calm down man" Jack told Matt with a laugh making Matt growl again. I had no idea what was happening. If looks could kill, Jack would be on the ground, dead.

"That's enough now" Lucas interrupted, "And Lilly that is Jason and Alex" pointing at the two boys at the left of me, who waved and smiled "Matt's two best friends."

"We'll be yours soon too" Alex said laughing. Sureee, I smiled.

"This is Jason's dad Mason and Alex's dad George" he said showing me the two older men.

"And Matt's brother, Nathan" who already had a smile on his face. I nodded my head.

"Okay so to start this; basically no one in this room is a normal human being, well except for you of course." I froze for a second. Lucas just dropped that like it's a normal thing to say. I saw his wife nudge him with her elbow. Everyone's face was dead serious, no emotions shown, except for Jack lightly laughing by himself.

I tried to process what Lucas was saying. Not normal human beings? What's that even supposed to mean?

"Then what are you all?" I questioned calmly. If this was a joke I was going to get to the bottom of it.

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