Kim Taehyung - Barista

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Kim Taehyung X Reader
Word Count : 419

You worked in a popular cafe as a barista. You love your job because coffee is your passion. Coffee makes you feel warm and calm thats why you choose to follow your dream and be a barista. You are very passionate in your job that the cafe is known because of the coffee you make.

One day, 7 boys came in. They all look very good looking and familiar. And you knew them from somewhere. They are BTS! You are a huge fan of them but you have to be professional. You still couldn't believe it and try to look your best to impress them. They all ordered coffee except for one, Kim Taehyung. You aren't sure why but you try to focus on your job because you don't wanna mess up. As you were working, you feel an eye staring at you. Once you finished making the order you turn around trying to find out who have been staring at you, its Kim Taehyung. You tried so hard not to look back to avoid awkward eye contact. He kept on staring but you don't wanna take things personal and jump into conclusions so you ignored it.

They all finished and paid. They left not long after. You are satisfied since a famous boy band just visited the cafe. But you still can't get rid the thought of Kim Taehyung, staring at you. His gaze is so sharp and bold its almost unforgettable.

You are working as usual when a customer came in. He's tall, wearing what seems like expensive outfit, a black cap and mask covering his face. He then open his cap and mask revealing a Kim Taehyung. You are freaking out but still trying to look professional. You made his order trying your very best to look normal when internally you are screaming.

It happens everyday. He would always come in. Right at your shift. Every day he would sit a little bit more closer to your station. He always have the same order. An iced americano.

The day came when he actually talks to you and he could know you better. You try to stay calm while talking to him because every time you speak his gaze is killing you. You also tried to know him better, finding him really friendly and easy to talk.

"So, why do you like iced americano so much?" You asked, curious.

"Oh no, I don't like coffee. I just wanna see you everyday"

Author's Note :
finally, something decent yall. yes this is quite similar with jimin's my apologies. i just think the plot is really interesting and i wanna update yall so yeah. its quiet long other than my recent fluffs but i hope yall enjoy~

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