Jung Hoseok - Birthday

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Jung Hoseok X Reader
Word Count : 655

You looked at your wrapped gifts, satisfaction is what you're feeling. Tomorrow is your boyfriend's birthday and you had already arranged a surprise party for him with the members. Hoseok might be coming home soon so you quickly hide all the gifts.

The plan is to completely ignore him for a whole day and to make him even more upset you'll go out with your friends and act like his birthday is nothing. To distract him, you asked the members to have a dance practice.

"Babe, I'm home"

You quickly approach the front door, spotting Hoseok.

"I made dinner" you announced

"Thanks babe" he said while kissing your forehead

You went to bed earlier, excited for tomorrow. You also need to wake up early for the preparation.

The sound of alarm ringed your ears. You wake up, Hoseok still sleeping. You made breakfast and wake him up.

"Babe, wake up"

"Namjoon told me you guys have dance practice" you added

Hoseok open his eyes slowly.

"Suddenly?" he asked

"Yeah, he told me this morning, you should hurry the dance practice is in 30 minutes" you added

"What?! [Y/N], why did you wake me up so late?" he complained

"Sorry" you chuckled

Hoseok jumped out of bed and got ready. You purposely wake him up later so he would forget about his birthday.

"I made breakfast by the way" you stated in a louder tone since he is still in the shower

"Okay, thanks" he replied

He quickly ate the pancakes you made. He checked his stuff one more time while giving you one last hug before leaving.

When he left, you immediately prepared everything. You decorated the house filling it with balloons and banners. You picked up the cake and made food.

Meanwhile, you and the members agreed to ignore Hoseok as much as possible. You want him to be pissed when he's home.

Now its time for your plan, you made a note to make it have the impression of you going out with your friends. You didn't want to tell him by texting to make him even more pissed.

"I'm going out with my friends, If you're hungry, we have leftovers, I'll be back before 12. Love you" you wrote the note and stick it on the fridge.

You turned all the lights off and locked the door and left. You didnt actually left, you just drove a couple blocks away from your street.

Namjoon texted you, he said that dance practice just ended and Hoseok is coming home. You prepared the cake and shared your location to the members so that you could suprise him together.

Hoseok's POV

Hoseok drove back home after a long tiring day. He couldn't believe how much he practiced today. Today is his birthday, but no one seem to care. He shook off his thoughts since he arrived at home.

The house seemed dark, like no one is home.

"[Y/N] is sleeping already?" he thought

He unlocked the door, it was very dark. He turned the lights on one by one while checking every room, not spotting you.

He checked the kitchen and spotted the note. He is so upset. He couldn't believe what he's reading. He immediately called you but you aren't picking up. He sat on the sofa grumpy, spamming you with texts.

End Of Hoseok's POV

You and the members arrived at the front door. You slowly unlock the door while Taehyung holds the cake. You spot Hoseok on the living room typing on his phone with a serious expression. You looked at Jimin holding the confetti signalling him its time. The confetti exploded and Hoseok looked as shocked as ever.

"Happy Birthday!"

You and the members sang for him. A smile formed on his face, he looked so surprise. He blew the candles and cut the cake. All of you enjoyed all the food and opened the gifts.

"I thought I'm gonna have the worst birthday ever"

Author's Note :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JHOPE! i wish this sunshine the very best! this fluff is dedicated for jhope's birthday, its way longer than i expected so i hope you like it <3

by the way ...

WE REACHED 12K READERSS AND 300 VOTES!! omg omg omg i cant process. im so happy thank you all so much. im so happy at how much we're already achieving since last year. i hope this book will grow even more! and yes im
making another special fluff, its on process so stay tune my loves.


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