Jeon Jungkook - Charmer

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Jeon Jungkook X Reader
Word Count : 432

You just finished class and its lunch time. But you need to put your belongings in your locker. You were really hungry so you make sure you take quick steps to your locker. Your school is quite big and it took you quite a long time to go from one place to another.

You reached to your locker, opening it. When you opened it, you see another box of chocolates with flowers laying on top of your belongings. You didn't know how this person put the chocolate or the flowers in but you're glad that nothing is stolen from your locker.

You can feel the butterflies in your stomach ebrupting as you took the gifts. It has been happening for a week and you're more curious everytime. Who is sending these? You just hope one day you'll know.

It never came with a letter or atleast an initial so you know nothing about the sender. You've been asking to your friends but nobody got a clue. You just chuckled finding the gifts really cute. It definetely made your day. Leaving you smiling for no reason.

One day, you went to your locker earlier than usual. You see a figure dropping sweets and flower in your locker. You tried to be as sneaky as possible trying to get a closer look. But before you can, he left. You still had no idea who he is. You finally came up with a plan.

You wrote a letter. Hoping that he would still drop you gifts in your locker.

"Hey, you. Yes, you. Thanks for all the gifts, I appreciate every single one of them. I would appreciate it even more if you could maybe leave your initial so I could talk to you in person. Don't leave me curious like this. I swear I dont bite ;)"

You put your letter in a special envelope. Making it clear that the letter is for the mysterious sender. You put on a sticker saying "Open me". You went to class as usual hoping that he'll get the message.

A few hours passed. You checked your locker. You were so happy when he took your letter. You checked your gift finding a letter. You were beyond excited, your heart beating like theres no tomorrow.

You slowly opened the letter. Revealing a beautiful caligraphy.

"Roses are red, my face is too, that only happens when im around you


You took a little moment thinking. JJK? And when you get the message you gasped. Knowing who it is all along.

The school's charmer.

Jeon Jungkook.

Author's Note :
pls dont kill me. i know it has been a countless amount that i posted a jk fluff. i hate myself too dont worry. i dont have self control thank you very much. i need to make a fluff with the cutest most cliffhanger ending. i just need to. i would die unhappy if i didnt. you know how soft i am for jungkook. im sorry this took me so long to post because i've been finding it hard to find the perfect title and to basically finish this fluff in general. if you didnt notice, we got a new cover !! yaaayy !! i made it again by myself and i think im in love with this one.

i hope i dont regret this loll

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i hope i dont regret this loll. anyway, hope yall enjoy~

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