Kim Seokjin - Rose

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Kim Seokjin X Reader
Word Count : 586

"[Y/N], will you go on a date with me?" Seokjin offered with his dreamy eyes and soothing voice

From the minute Seokjin asked you out, your heart couldn't stop racing. You recalled the moment when Seokjin asked you out. It feels unreal. Your crush finally asked you out. Since yesterday, you've prepared for the date. Excitement is what you have been feeling, you couldn't even sleep properly.

He said he would pick you up at 11 AM. You made sure you're ready before he came. You look for makeup and outfit inspirations, making sure you look your absolute best. You've got a few insprirations from pinterest so you look through your closet. You tried to pick a simple yet elegant outfit. After searching for a while, you find the perfect outfit.

You went to bed early, not wanting to be late for tomorrow

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You went to bed early, not wanting to be late for tomorrow.

As soon as you wake up, a smile formed on your face. "Today is the date" you thought to yourself as a cheeky grin formed. You made breakfast while humming a happy song. You ate breakfast and watch a bit of TV. You checked the time and thought its time to get ready. You took a shower and start doing your makeup.

Finished with your makeup, you continued with your hair. You put on your outfit and finally finished with your look for the day. You smile happily as you check yourself in the mirror, satisfied with the finished look.

You were checking for your belongings one last time when a notification popped up in your phone. You checked who messaged you.

Hey, I'm here

As soon as you read that message you rush your way outside. You immedieatly spot Seokjin's car.

"You look beautiful, [Y/N]" he complimented

Hearing his little compliment you couldn't help but blush.

"Thanks, Jin. You don't look so bad yourself" you replied as you try to calm yourself down

"Shall we go?" he asked

You just nodded as an answer. He took you out to eat lunch in a restaurant. It was a beautiful restaurant with delicious dishes. Next to the restaurant was a beach, so it has a very beautiful view.

There wasn't a single silence on the date, he was very outgoing and talkative which you really liked.

You really enjoyed the date, he even paid for the meal.

"[Y/N], Let's walk by the beach. The weather is nice today" he offered his hand as you happily take it.

You and him walked by the beach, hand in hand. Still talking with each other, while enjoying the view. He was scanning his sorroundings as he suddenly stopped by a bench.

"[Y/N], wait here. I'll be right back" he stated

You were left confused. Your eyes followed where he was going. He ran across the sidewalk, to a store. To be exact, a florist. You were still dumbfounded, and decided to wait in the bench.

You spot him from a distance, rushing his way to you. You look closely, and you could see he is holding onto something. You couldn't see clearly since its far away, but you know its red. He finally came back, panting. He also hid the item he got behind his back.

"Jin, what's that behind your back?" you question as you try to look behind his back.

He finally stopped panting and revealed a beautiful live rose. Its wrapped in decorative plastic. You couldn't help but smile at his effort.

"I just wanted to show this rose how beautiful you are"

Author's Note :
okay im back and um... WE GOT 18K READS??? WHAT IN THE WORLD???? thank youuuu guys so so so much❤️i was speechless when i know we're getting closer to 20K!! thank you for all the support, the comments which i read every single one of them. thank you guys! i can guarantee you a special 20K fluff is coming soon!

i also wanted to apologize for taking so long posting because a lot has been happening. im graduating really soon and im one of the commitee for the preparation so i've been busy. since im graduating soon, my exam week is here. its very chaotic at this point so my fluffs are delayed for a while. but i finally manage to post this. i also have been feeling really low, i just wasnt very sure of myself.

but at the end im writing 2 fluffs to make it up to you guys. its currently midnight and im still writing so thats great! anyway a jk fluff is coming, hope yall like it~

 its currently midnight and im still writing so thats great! anyway a jk fluff is coming, hope yall like it~

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i love every single one of you dearly, thank you for 18K❤️

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