Park Jimin - Insomnia

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Park Jimin X Reader
Word Count : 944

Insomnia. One of your biggest enemy in life. You have trouble sleeping since 4 years ago. Your sleeping schedule used to be normal, until you entered high school, thats when you started struggling with sleeping.

Its unfortunate that you don't have anyone by your side since you are living alone in Korea for education purposes. Your parents are wealthy enough to fly you here and rent you a luxurious apartment. Its your first year in Korea and you're enjoying your stay.

Eventhough Insomnia is haunting you, you know how to deal with it. In the apartment you're currently living, there is a park that opens 24/7. The park has a beautiful view at night. Because you can't sleep, almost everyday you visit the park.

The park at night was peaceful and quiet which makes you love it more. The dim lighting gives out such a warm aura that you will always love. You're always alone since who would want to go a park this late? When you have insomnia you would sketch at the park, the peaceful vibe makes you inspired.

And here you are, in the park at 2 am sketching. Wearing an oversized hoodie with your art utensils. It was quiet for a while until you heard footsteps. Coming closer.

You looked everywhere trying to find the source of the sound. You found it. Its a guy, with his oversized hoodie too, walking with a book and earphones on. You can't really see his face since he's covering it with a black mask. You look away minding your own business since you thought he's just passing by.

But the footsteps are even louder, it sounds closer. You thought he was just passing by. Until he sat on a bench across you. He was so focus on his phone because he didn't even realize your presence.

He took off his earphones and look straight at you, you feel shocked and embarrassed for staring. But he looks as shocked as you. It was kind of awkward until you break it by giving him a sweet smile. You mind your own business again, but still confused that someone is actually here with you this late. You've never seen him around.

Jimin's POV

Who is she? What the hell is a girl doing in a park this late? She's so cute, she could have been kidnapped by now. She looks like she's sketching. I can't believe that someone is actually here. I don't feel as lonely.

Dealing with insomnia by myself all this time is so hard. I'm glad she's here. I hope we will meet again. I wonder if she has insomnia too. Maybe she's just looking for inspiration. Am I staring at her too much? Well I can't just resist her.

End Of Pov

You are still wondering what his face would look like. His skin looks really nice and his hair looks so soft. "I bet he won't be coming here again, why would I care about his face" you thought to yourself. You continued sketching until you feel a little bit tired. You looked at him one more time, and left.

Its the next night, and you are back in the park. Still having sleeping problems. Carrying your sketch book and art utensils. You are on your way to the park, when you saw a figure. A similar figure as yesterday. You couldn't believe that its him again.

Why is he here? Again? You didn't complain since he's not bothering and you wouldn't be as lonely. You looked at him, now he's wearing a sweater, but with his mask off.

He is gorgeous. His hair compliments his skin so much. You stopped spacing out and think how to not be awkward, knowing that you could barely speak to a stranger. You sat on your favorite bench, and he sat on the same spot as yesterday. Reading his book. He looks so calm.

You hope to meet him often, and maybe become friends since you really wanna know why he's in a park at 2 am. He looked at you, giving you a slightly shocked smile, yet still sweet. You still didn't have the guts to introduce yourself so you continued sketching.

Thank god he's wearing earphone so that its not as awkward. A few hours passed and you feel tired. So you walked back to your apartment.

You come back to the park again. And he's there again. It happens regularly now for a week. You still didn't introduce yourself yet. He didn't either so you thought he's not interested. And you never did. Today, you are in the park again. Still with him across your bench. You were minding your business, until he sat next to you suddenly making you flinch.

"Its funny how we meet each other a lot, but I didn't know your name" he said in a soothing voice.

Your heart almost stopped because he is actually talking to you. He's voice is so calming too.

"Oh yeah, so whats your name?" You replied trying to keep yourself together.

"I'm Park Jimin. And you are?" He introduced his self while holding out his hand signaling you to shake it.

You froze. You took his hand, it was soft and warm , his touch is so soothing. You shook his hand but you couldn't speak a word and just stare at him.

Your heart is beating so fast until you couldn't speak. You didn't realize you have been shaking his hand for a while and not introduce yourself. You quickly let it go.

"So ..."

"Do you have a name or should I call you mine?"

Author's Note :
this is a long one wow. i didnt expect to be this long. and i tried something new. POVS. point of views. im still working on them so im sorry if its still terrible bcs im not used to it. i kinda feel this story is unnecessary long for such a simple ending, not my best work, but hey i worked on this for a long time since its so hard to describe the situation.

this was supposed to be a jungkook fluff but i just realizes there is TOO MUCH JK FLUFF. like i did not realize. but the fact that he's personality goes with almost anything make it so easy to make a fluff about him. taehyung too. but i will make sure that every member have a decent amount of fluffs.

also, starting from now on i will include every fluff with a word count. so that yall will know that some fluffs are really long, some are as short as my toenail. so yea. another announcement, MY WIFI IS BROKEN AGAIN. i just got home from vacation and my wifi is dead. so this will be a late post again. and of course i will spam yall with my fluffs again. since i dont know when will my wifi be back. pray for my wifi

school is starting soon a lot of stuffs i need to do and idk how to deal with that. ugh wish me luck. anyway, send me suggestions and requests are open. comment and don't forget to vote !! hope yall enjoy~ ❤️

yes i do realize this note is like longer than the ff. im sorry. i got a lot of stuffs to share lmao

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