Kim Taehyung - Happiest

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Kim Taehyung X Reader
Word Count : 525

You came home after a long tiring day. You couldn't think straight anymore becuase you were so exhausted. Your boyfriend, Taehyung, hasn't been answering your phone calls or texts since morning. He left early for a meeting and you couldn't contact him how hard you tried. You didn't know whats going on. But you know you are so tired so you went straight to bed.

You unlock the door and saw a pair of shoes. A familiar one. Taehyung is home. You directly went straight to your bedroom checking if he's inside. You turned the door knob slowly. Once the door is opened you saw Taehyung lying on bed.

You tiptoed slowly not wanting to wake him up. Until you heard sobs. You heard him crying. Your heart instantly breaks and you slowly approach him. You hug him instantly, meanwhile Taehyung froze.

"Baby, whats wrong?" You asked in soft tone.


"Yes I'm here. Im here for you Tae" you said while patting his back.

He hugs you tightly. Making your top wet, but you couldn't care less. Seeing him cry makes your heart break into pieces. You rarely see him cry. He would often hides his feeling under his signature smile. You know something is wrong. He calmed down a bit and you wanted what happened.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked softly.

"I dont know" he answered with his shaky voice.

"You know you can tell me anything. Right?"

He answered with a nod.

"Its just the comments. The comments of antis are really cruel. I never cared about it. But sometimes I think they are true. I feel like I dont deserve all this. I dont deserve to be in bangtan. I dont deserve you. And I know how much hate you've been getting because of me. I can't see you suffer with me. Its okay if you want to leave me. So you don't have to go through this with me"

You shut him up with a deep passionate kiss. You couldn't believe what he just said. You will never leave him for this. You began to tear up. Its so sad to see him in this state.

"Stop. What are you talking about Kim Taehyung? Don't listen to them. You always told me not to listen to them. You are a strong person and I know you're better than this. You deserve the whole world and you are not gonna waste your time listening to them. There are millions of fans out there that could say better things to you. But you choose to listen to antis. Come on, They're nothing! They're not gonna bring you down okay. Now cheer up!"

His frowned turned into a smile. He thinks your little speech makes you look adorable. He embraced you while smiling like a little kid not wanting to let you go. You stayed in that position letting him do what he wants.

"Jagi" he called

"Yes?" You replied

"There are people who say Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth"

"Well it is"

"No, none of them have been in your arms"

Author's Note :
4K READS? I MUST BE DREAMING!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCHH !! we hit 4K so quickly im so thankful. i love yall so much, i hope yall continue to support 💞
yay another maknae line fluff. are we surprised? no sist. now i dont have much to say i've been wanting to write this for a while now. and its finally done yay !! hope yall enjoy~ ❤️

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