Min Yoongi - Train

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Min Yoongi X Reader
Word Count : 481

You are on your way home after work. You don't have a car so you need to take the train. You take the train everyday so its something usual for you. You have your personal favorite seat.

The train isn't so crowded at this time so your seat is never taken. You are on your way to your favorite seat when you realize someone else is sitting on it. You feel a little bit upset, but not mad. Because the person sitting on your seat is really cute. You admired him for a while.

His black cap covering his dark brown hair, his porcelain skin making him look unreal, and his black turtleneck making him look so warm. You stopped spacing out and sit next to him. Since he is sitting on your spot.

He noticed you, giving you a sweet smile. "He looks 10x more attractive when he smiled" you thought to yourself. Its really rare for you to see a gorgeous stranger so today you feel really lucky. You opened your phone since you are getting a little bit bored.

You decided that you want to listen to your song covers you recorded not a long time ago. You put your volume high, not realizing that he could hear it too. You felt someone tap your shoulder so you plug off your earphones.

"Do you make song covers?" He asked making eye contact with you.

"Ye-yeah, Im s-so sorry , I put the volume too high" You replied shyly, a little bit embarassed that a stranger just heard your singing voice.

"No, don't be sorry, you have a beautiful voice!" He complimented, smiling at you.

"Thank You!" you are shocked at his response because you thought your voice is horrible but you really liked singing.

You and him started talking about music. He introduce his self and you did too. You are shocked when you found out that he is actually a producer. He is shocked too that you make song covers. Both of you kept talking until the train has arrived at your stop.

"Hey , Yoongi. I'm sorry but I need to go. This is my stop. It was nice talking to you" you said kind of dissapointed.

"Sure , it was nice talking to you too" he replied.

You stood up preparing your stuff, ready to leave. You are kind of dissapointed that the conversation has to stopped. And you are also dissapointed because he didn't give you his number. You really liked talking to him, he makes you comfortable. You are about to leave when someone grabbed your hand.

"Wait one more thing, I think you drop something back there" he stated.

"Wait, really?" You checked your belongings one more time, making sure you didnt leave any of your stuff.

"This conversation, lets pick it up later tonight" he said while giving you a piece of paper with his number on it.

Author's Note :
oof that was a long one. for me its kinda long and i absolutely love the ending. idk why but i feel like this is so yoongi. like this fluff match him so much. and im proud how it come out. i changed a lot of parts in the story because im wishy washy obvi but i actually loved how it turned out in the end. and i have a lot of trouble finding the title like idk why its so hard. i finally ended up choosing "train" because to me its makes sense the most. i mean i couldn't find anything better than that. anyway, hope yall enjoy~

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