Jeon Jungkook - Jealousy

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Jeon Jungkook X Reader
Word Count : 1037

You finished another day of work. Today was tiring and you feel like refreshing your mind at a cafe. You were about to invite your boyfriend, Jungkook, but you feel like a burden since he is always busy. He is busy with his career, making music, practicing all day. You understood his situation and would try your best not to disturb him eventhough you miss him like hell.

While you were preparing your stuff, you saw Jackson, your co-worker about to leave too.

"Oh, [Y/N]. Are you going home?" He asked.

"Not really, I feel like going to a cafe" you confessed.

"Do you mind if I join?"

You were hesitant at first. Knowing how Jungkook get jealous easily. But you thought it wouldn't be a big deal since he is just a co-worker.

"Sure, lets go"

You went to a cafe with his car. You sit on the front seat while fiddling your hands, nervous of what Jungkook might think. Jackson was very friendly and he easily start a conversation with you until you arrived.

You picked a seat for the both of you near the entrance.

"[Y/N], stay here, let me order" he said and you replied with just a nod.

You look at your phone constantly worried if Jungkook calls. And you wouldn't know what to answer if he did. You think it would be best to be honest and make him understand.

"[Y/N]?" Jackson snapped you out of your thought.

"Oh, sorry" you said as you snapped back to reality.

"Here, I brought us coffee with some pastries" he explained

"Thank you, Jackson" you said while smiling to him.

You start sipping your coffee, the familiar taste hits your tastebuds. Jackson make sure it wouldn't be awkward and started light conversations. He is actually a really fun guy. You talked to him forgetting about the time. You were clueless until you checked the time. Its 8 PM. Jungkook is gonna be home soon. You just hoped he would be home later.

"Yeah, and she dumped him in public! I didn't know how-" Jackson's sentence was cut by the sound of your ringtone. You looked at your phone, Jungkook is calling.

"Do you mind?" you asked

"Ofcourse not, [Y/N]" he replied with a smile.

You went outside for privacy. You search for a less crowded spot so you could hear him better. You took one deep breath and answered the call.

"[Y/N], Where are you? Why aren't you home?" he asked.

"Hey, babe. I'm out right now. Work was stressful so I decided to go to a ca-cafe" you answered as you tried hard not to stutter.

"With who?" he asked making your heartbeat stopped.

"You have to be honest [Y/N]"You thought yourself.

"My co-worker" you answered instantly.

"Who is it?" his voice turned into a serious one.


"Just the both of you?" he asked to make sure

"Y-yes" you answered hesitantly

"What the hell [Y/N]? You were with a guy? I was home the whole time and you are out with a guy?" he said in disbelief

"Jungkook, he's just my co-worker" you tried to calm him down.

"[Y/N], I dont care whether he's your co-worker or not. You didn't even tell me you were going out with him, you could've text me. I was worried. I bet that asshole don't even know you're taken" he said trying his best to control his anger.

"Jungkook, trust me its not like-" you tried to explain

"Enough. Send me your location. I'm picking you up" he said coldly and hung up.

You sigh in defeat. You know you're wrong but he doesn't understand. You feel like its unfair. He is so busy and you felt lonely, why is it so wrong to go out with a guy? You returned back to the cafe, you wanted to explain to Jackson, hoping he would understand.

"Hey, [Y/N]. Is everything okay?" he asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, but its getting late, Jackson. I think we should go home" you explained calmly.

"Sure, do you want me to take you home?" he asked

"No, its fine. My boyfriend is picking me up" you answered

"Your boyfriend? Oh, o-okay. I had a great time, See you soon, [Y/N]" he said his goodbye, preparing his stuff to leave.

"Thanks for today, See you" you said while waving at him.

You waited a couple of minutes outside the cafe. Soon, Jungkook's car pulled up. You immediately entered his car.

"Where is that asshole?" he asked not making eye contact.

"He left" you answered shortly

"I swear if I meet him, I'm gonna beat his a-"

"Jungkook, why are you so jealous? You don't even know him okay? We're just co-workers" you explained

"[Y/N], Its basically a date. Don't you get it? Is it a must for you to go out with him?" he said while focusing on the road

"Guess why I went out with him, Jungkook. Guess" you raised your tone

"Because his desperate a-"

"Because you barely have time for me! And I'm exhausted. Work was stressful and I was planning on going out with you tonight but I know you would answer 'sorry not today, babe' or 'not right now, I'm busy'. I have no one but he was there for me. Either way, we did nothing. We just talked and grabbed some coffee" you confessed all your feelings, feeling relieved

Jungkook didn't say anything. You have succesfully make him speechless. He realize he was being selfish and regret what he did. The ride was silent, nobody dared to speak. You have let everything out, you just hoped he understand.

The car stopped meaning you finally arrived home, you reach for the car door, wanting to leave. But Jungkook stopped you, grabbing your arm softly. You looked at him, his eyes are teary and you couldn't stand the view. He pulled you into a bear hug and you feel like everything is gonna be alright. You didn't push him away, sometimes in situation like this all you need is a hug from him. He hugged you closer, you stayed in that position until he lifted your chin up, kissing you passionately.

He rested his forehead on yours, still closing his eyes.

"[Y/N], I love you and I'm scared" he confessed

"You call it jealousy, I call it fear of losing you"

Author's Note :
HAPPY 9K READERSS!!! LETS GO ROAD TO 10K!! we're so closee!! and yes im preparing for 10K special fluff!! wish me luck! i apologize for taking such a long time writing this fluff. i will continue to work hard! thanks for 9K i love every single on of you.

about the fluff, back at it again with jungoo ;) this one is a bit, intense. and i love it since the ending is really cute. it turned out longer and im actually proud of my work. when i'm writing this fluff i feel so focused idk why. speaking about writing, im planning on making a new book! but its gonna be the complete opposite of this book, if you know what i mean. but its still a plan and i hope i can manage. i think thats all for today hope yall enjoy~



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