Chapter 26

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I went to the Hokage's Tower to let my dad know I feel better. I knew if he still thinks I have the flu, he's going to want to check on me.

I poked my head in the door again and he looked up, concerned still.

"You need to be resting," He said.

"I went to the hospital and they just said I've been under too much stress and it was taking a toll on my body. There's no flu," I said.

He looked relieved. "Oh, okay. I'm glad you're not sick, but I'm still giving you a few days off since you still need to rest,"

"Thank you, Dad. Love you," I said.

"Love you too." He said.

With that, I exited his office and exited the tower.

I ran into Asuma and caught up with him so he wouldn't suddenly want to come over because he misses me or something like that. All I did with him was just play shogi and drink tea. I still felt guilty towards my family and it was hard facing them, but I couldn't avoid them or they'd know something is up.

I didn't have to worry about Kakashi, because I saw on my dad's desk earlier that he was going to send Kakashi and his students on a mission.

Then I checked in with Hana and Anko. They were busy as well, so there was that.

After taking all the precautions, I went to buy groceries since it's just homecooked meals for this week.

I also thought I should buy him a shirt and some pajama pants so he has something else to change into and some first aid supplies just in case.

Once I was done, I headed home and I could finally rest for tonight. It was about time I could finally get my mind off of the guilt.

I walked into my house and noticed he jumped, but then relaxed seeing it was me. I locked the door behind me and closed my curtains.

"So did you take the precautions?" He asks.

"Yup, I made sure my family or friends wouldn't come by," I said and put the groceries in the fridge.

"Okay," He said and lied down on the couch.

"I also bought you a change of clothes in case you want to change into something else,"


I gave the clothes to him and he put them on the coffee table and continued resting his eyes on the couch.

I decided to start cooking dinner when I looked at the time, which is 7:10 p.m.

I just made curry and rice with some tea.

When I finished, I called Itachi over and gave him a plate and then took a plate for myself.

"You can eat wherever you want," I said. "I usually eat on my couch or in my room,"

Itachi just sat at the table and I just awkwardly took the seat across from him.

"Why are you helping me?" He asks.

"You helped me, so I should return the favor," I shrugged and brought the chopsticks to my mouth.

"I appreciate it, I guess," He said.

Itachi didn't say anything else and there was now an awkward silence.

" you know how long you'll be staying for?" I ask again, to break it.

Part of me wanted him to stay for a long time. I hoped he would because I wanted to see if it would go anywhere.

I'm probably setting myself up for hurt, but I always do that anyway.

"Well, my eyes only take a week or two to heal, depending on how much I used them,"

"Two weeks?" I ask, hiding the hopefulness in my voice.

"Around there," he replied.

We both finished our meals and I took our dishes and put them in the sink. I had to figure out where he would be staying. I didn't want him to sleep on the couch, but I knew he wouldn't want to sleep in the same bed as me.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask.

He shook his head and I went to my room to grab a few extra blankets and a pillow for him.

"I don't have a spare room, so you can stay in here if you'd like," I said.

He nodded and took the blankets and pillow. I decided to sit in the living room with him until I got tired. He was resting his eyes and I was reading a romance novel that Kakashi got me into. I swear I don't read it for the pornography section.

"So, what were you doing that caused you to strain your eyes?" I ask.

"I was on a mission and one of our targets gave me a problem, so I had to put him under my genjutsu," Itachi explained.

"Oh, I see. You should be careful though so you don't end up going blind," I replied.

I noticed he was starting to get tired, so I went to my room and got changed in my pajamas so we could sleep. After turning the light off and lying in bed, I swear I saw a silhouette standing at my window again.

Panicked, I called for Itachi and he came over to my room.


"Um...can you sleep in here instead? I think I saw someone standing at my window and I'm worried someone is stalking me," I ask.

"Sure," He said.

He went to the living room to grab the pillow and blanket I gave him. I actually wished he would lie in my bed with me as he did in his room last time I was with him. I felt safer that way, but at least he was in here with me.

There was only one person who would stalk me like this and I hope he's not back. He meant trouble and whenever he came back around, nothing good would happen.

Maybe Itachi will keep him away.

I had a hard time falling asleep, but eventually, I did.

I finally got an update out and finished editing. The next chapter (I'm working on it right now) will be a lot longer and I think you guys will be kind of happy with what'll happen next lol.

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now