Chapter 2

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Over the past few weeks, my feelings for Tori had only grown as my feelings for Beck had begun to completely disappear into pure nothingness. No matter how much I wanted to though I couldn't let everyone know how I truly felt cause that would just lead into a bunch of questions as well as rejects. Being at Hollywood Arts school did mean that people were more acceptive of of one another but the people at the school weren't a hundred percent supportive due to what year it still was. I had told daddy about my feelings but he urged me to not follow my heart and to rather be miserable with Beck for my entire life cause that was what was best for the business and if their was one thing daddy loved more then anything it was his business. I couldn't blame him though business was an important part of our life style and it did offer us a lot of money, and truth be told I was really interested in taking over the business in the future. I just wish that I could do it with Tori Vega at my side. So instead of pinning over the girl of my dreams I just continued to bully her hoping that my feelings for her would one day go away.

It was a Friday afternoon and I had just walked by Vega who was obviously struggling with her books. I would have helped her but I couldn't risk having everyone in the school know how in love with the latina I was. So I walked by her struggling and just held in my need to help her. "Need some help?" I asked her as I began to approach her clinging my black leather purse closely to my side.

"Yes." She said looking at me in belief that I was going to help her for a second.

"Interesting." I had told her as I began to walk past her refusing to help her.

Later that day I was in Sikowitz class doing some stupid play rehearsal with Cat.

"Betsy, Betsy that animal's delusions flesh can keep us all alive for another week." I had told Cat with a country girl accent as I read off of my script trying to steal the gaint pig stuffed animal away from her arms.

"I don't want to be alive without Potsy. This pig is everything to me that my daddy never was and I'll be..." Cat began her lines in a country girl accent quickly being interrupted by Sikowitz throwing a ball at her causing her to fall down and for us to just look at him with pure confusion. All feeling confused as to what Sikowitz would randomly throw a ball at Cat.

"Sikowitz." I said trying to defend Cat.

"What?" Sikowitz asked confused.

"You hit me in the face with a ball." Cat said holding her face where it hurt from Sikowitz's throwing.

"Oh, come on a truly great actor can stay in the scene no matter what's happening around her." Sikowitz says seeming as if he truly believed that he had a reason to throw a ball at Cat.

"But it really hurts." Cat said angrily going back to her country girl accent. Cat's feelings of anger where soon replaced with feelings of happiness as the bell began to ring for lunch "Oh, lunch yeah." Cat said feeling over joyoused to be going to lunch soon.

"Learn your lines I want everyone off book tomorrow." Sikowitz said as we were all leaving the classroom too head to lunch.

Today was the day that Tori had to do the bird scene and she felt nervous, I've never really been nervous before so I wouldn't know what that would feel like; however, I was really excited to see her performance.

"Ready drive by acting exercise, your all angry Englishman. Go!" Sikowitz yelled out at us causing as all too act out as angry Englishmen. "Alright, alright! Very Good! Everyone quite down!" Sikowitz had said stopping our exercise as Tori nervously walked into the classroom. "Now that werevall loosey and all goosey" Sikowitz said beginning to shake his body around slightly "the time has come for our newest student to tackle..." Sikowitz said gesturing over to Tori. He then began to stomp his feet causing all of us to follow in suit "the bird scene". He then stopped stomping his feet and gestured back over to Tori "Tori the stage is yours though you can't take it home." Sikowitz said being in the back of the classroom while Tori was in the front.

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