Chapter 3

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I walked into stage fighting class and Tori was attacking some random guy and Andre seemed to be having a hard time pulling her off. I personally found Tori extremely sexy right now cause let's just say I like them feisty,

"What are you doing." The stage director teacher asked.

"That guy was beating up Beck." Tori adorably protesting

"Oh you poor thing." I told Tori as I walked past her, checking her nice ass.

"We're practicing." Beck said trying to hold in his anger.

"This is Rust." The stage fighting teacher said.

"I'm Rust!" Rust explained walking immediately towards Tori.

"As a professional stunt man I invited him to teach the class about stage fighting." The stage fighting teacher continued to explain.

"And now Tori says..." I began in my typical voice "what's stage fighting." I said trying to imitate her voice but I really sounded more like Scooby Doo then Vega.

"I wasn't gonna say that." Tori protested.

"I took a class with him last summer." Beck said pointing towards Rust as he continued to explain.

"Well it looked like he was hurting you." Tori said worriedly and I just knew that she would make a perfect mom to our future children one day.

"Why do you care?" I asked Tori with a bit of an attitude trying to hide the fact that we're in a secret relationship.

"Cause I figured he already suffered enough pain dating you." Tori said and I knew that she was just saying that cause that's what everyone else expected her to say but that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt any less.

"Oh you want to see pain?" I asked her as I stepped towards her trying to hide how truly hurt I was by Vega's words.

"Hey." Beck said as he grabbed onto my shoulders pulling me back. "Why don't you go sit over there?" Beck asked as he directed me towards a seat in the front row.

The lesson had began with Rust calling Cat up onto the stage. "Now if I throw a punch at Cat, like this." Rust said as he pulled his fist back acting as if he was about to throw a punch but it was visible that he missed her. "It's easy to see that my fist didn't connect with her face." Rust explained.

"Thank you." Cat said feeling happy that Rust didn't actually punch her.

"But if we stage it from a different angel..." Rust said as he began to twist Cat's body around so that she was at the back. "then..." Rust turned towards the teacher. "Sound effect ready?" Rust asked the teacher.

"All set." The teacher said as he grabbed a remote and turned on the music."

"The audience and camera would like this." Rust said as he moved his hand back and pretended to punch Cat this time looking like he really did punch Cat causing Cat to hold her cheek.

"I'm ok everyone." Cat said excitedly as Rust took her hand and held it up high creating a chorus of claps from everyone in the audience except for me.

"Alright I'm gonna pair you guys up and each team would work with Rust this week to perform a fight scene." The teacher said.

"I thought his name was Steve." Andre stupidly commented even though they had said Rust's name in the beginning of the class.

"He does look like a Steve." Tori said as she got an agreement from everyone else in the room.

"My name's Rust." Rust told the class angrily.

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