Chapter 19

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It was a Tuesday and we where in Sikowitz class as Andre and Tori performed the scene of the day for us. Something I had realized was that Tori always performed the scene of the day despite her medicor acting ability. This lead me to believe that Sikowitz had a crush on her and if he did well who could blame her. 

In the scene they where doing Tori was crying and Andre was comforting Tori.

"Listen, Miss Travis listen to me." Andre tried to comfort Tori as he rested his hand on her shoulder ever so gently.

"What?" Tori asked as she continued to cry.

"This is a simple surgery, I've done this operation hundred of times, you'll be fine." Andre reassured Tori as Sikowitz began to sneak up on him slowly. 

"But what if I'm not fine?" Tori asked in worryness. "What if I die on that operating table. I have three..." Tori began as SIkowitz interrupted her by making sound effects over her. "I...I have three children." Tori began again before being interrupted by Sikowitz's sound effect noises yet again. "I have three children." Tori finished as Sikowitz abruptly interrupted them, ending the scene at that.

"I'm sorry." Sikowitz began as he held his hand up signaling for Andre and Tori to stop. "Kids excuse me." SIkowitz said as he gently pushed Andre back before facing Tori. "I don't mean to interrupt the scene but Tori, look at the red dot I drew on this inde card." Sikowitz said as he held up an idex card with a red dot on it in front of Tori. Tori looked at it closely before getting stardled and falling down to the ground when Sikowitz yelled boo. 

"Sikowitz you scared the fudge out of me!" Tori yelled at Sikowitz from where she was still laying down on the ground. Tori liked to use words like fudge, ally, and bench instead of cursing and I wasn't going to lie but Tori was so adorable when she did that.

"Why did you stop crying?" Sikowitz asked as he knelled down to Tori's position on the floor.

"What?" Tori asked in confusion since the role she was previously playing had already ended when Sikowitz interrupted them to point out a red dot that he had drawn on an index card. 

"You where playing the role of a crying women who's just been told that she's going to have surgery, why did you break character?" Sikowitz asked Tori as it seemed like he had completely forgotten that he had stopped the scene just moments before making it clear that Sikowitz needed to stop smoking so much weed.

"Cause you interrupted our scene and yelled 'boo' in my face.' Tori told Sikowitz since Sikowitz didn't seem to have been aware of what had just happened.

"Tori and Andre take your seats." Sikowitz ordered from them as he helped Tori up from where she had been laying down on the floor. "I'm trying to teach you kids about method acting. And that means that you must stay in that character the entire time no matter what happens," Sikowitz informed us as Tori took her seat on my lap and Andre took a seat directly diagnole to where we where sitting. As Sikowitz went on about the importance of method acting I noticed from the corner of my eye that Andre was checking out Tori. 

"She has a girlfriend!" I barked at him as I felt my blood boil in rage from how often Andre thought that it was appropriate to check out MY girlfriend. Clearly I wasn't scary enough for him cause if I was then he would know better then to want what's mine. 

"Babe calm down." Tori begged from me as she rubbed my shoulder blades gently and I just let out a small moan, hoping that that moan would give Andre the hint that Tori was mine and nothing and NOONE was ever going to change that and that espically included some ignorant asshole named Andre Harris.

The bell had rung signaling for us to leave and I abruptly got up after Tori had gotten out of my lap and wrapped my muscular, toned arm around Tori's waist.

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