Chapter 14

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We were in class learning whatever and Tori and Beck were doing the example skit for us. 

"How's your eggplant?" Tori asked Beck as she pretended to eat food off her plate.

"It's fine how's your spaghetti?" Beck asked Tori causing Tori to angrily slam her silverware onto the table.

"I hate you!" Tori yelled at Beck angrily.

"Why?" Beck asked confused.

"I'm not having spaghetti I'm having spaghettini." Tori explained to Beck angrily. 

"What's the difference?" Beck asked nonchalantly acting as if it was no big deal.

"Spaghetti is a very reletavily skinny noddle while a spagettini is a relatively thin noodle, we've been over this!" Tori yelled at Beck angrily.

"I forgot." Beck said, making it clear that his character was on his last nerve.

"Why do we even take a pasta class together?" Tori asked causing Beck to slam his silverware onto the table.

"And done." Sikowitz announced as he held some kind of cup filled with liquid in his hand. 

"Where done?" Beck asked clearly confused.

"We still have a few more lines." Tori informed Sikowitz clearly confused.

"I mean this is done." Sikowitz said as he held his liquid cup higher up.

"What is that?" Andre asked disturbed.

"Well it was a jar of cream but now that I have shaken it vigorously for an hour it's butter." Sikowitz told the class clearly not getting how disquieting that sounded.

"You make your own butter?" I asked Sikowitz since the whole class had gotten quite. 

"Indeed." Sikowitz said as he looked at his "butter" in aww..

"Is it good."Robbie asked Sikowitz intruged. 

"I don't know, I refuse to eat dairy." Sikowitz said as he threw his "butter" into the trashcan causing Andre to look at me confused and I just shrugged since Sikowitz would be Sikowitz. "Tori, Beck take your seats." Sikowitz ordered as he clapped his hands together. 

"He doesn't eat dairy why would he..." Beck began, being clearly confused at Sikowitz actions.

"I don't know, I don't care." Tori said as she held up her hands defensively, quite clearly having the same thought pattern as me. Tori had taken her seat on my lap while Beck took his in the far front.

"Alright, for the last few minutes of class let's talk about the one act play I'm directing." SIkowitz said excitedly as he tapped on his clipboard. This caused all of us confusion since Sikowitz never mentioned a one act play to us before now.

"Well?" Andre asked after a moment of silence.

"Well what?" Sikowitz asked since he had lost his train of thought, probably all the weed that his been smoking.

"You want to talk about the one man scene your directing?" Andre asked Sikowitz, trying to help Sikowitz get back to his train of thought.

"Alright." Sikowitz sounded as if he didn't want to talk about the play. "First of all I'll like to thank you all for auditioning the two lead roles would be played by..." Sikowitz began drumming his feet as the rest of the class followed his lead. "Andre and Robbie." Sikowitz told them. 

"Oh." Andre said excited.

"Hot beef." Robbie said over joyed.

"Ahh, would anyone else like to be my guardian?" Rex asked playfully.

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