Chapter 28

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It was a whole new year for everyone here at Hollywood Arts and a whole new year came with teacher's anniversaries. Vega and I had still not gotten back together even though I had spent the whole summer blowing up her phone with constant messages and calls only to not be responded back to and to have my messages left on read. It was heartbreaking and as much as I tried to hide it it wouldn't change the fact that I had cuts all over my body from cutting myself to heal the pain away from losing what was my one in a million. 

It was the first day and I was currently in Sikowitz class. Beck and I were arguing and if someone asked us what we were arguing about we would just kindly tell them to fuck off. Our fight though soon got interrupted when Cat came into school looking way to excited for it to be the first day of school, but this was natural for Cat."

"Hey, everyone." Cat said walking into the classroom giggling on about something.

"Hey Cat." Tori had greeted being as friendly and bubbly as ever. 

"Hey, everyone." Cat greeted continuing to giggle like a little school girl. The worst had crossed my mind what if the reason why Cat was so happy was because Cat and Tori had something going on. I would so kill Cat in the most brutal way possible if that was happening, I mean sure she was my best friend but Vega was the girl of my dreams and whether or not we where together she only belonged to me."Knock, knock." Cat continued on way to happily.

"Who's there?" Robbie asked.

"Isn't " Cat saidand I could already tell that this was something that was gonna be stupid.

"Isn't who?" Rex asked

"Isn't life amazing?" Cat had asked all of us and since I had spent every second of the summer crying alone in my dream and had wanted to commit suicide this was not something that I had waited to hear anyone say. 

"Goodmorning people or as they say in Guatamla Arpardago Siporturo Abuterer." Sikowitz said walking into the classroom seeming excited to teach an all new year.

"That means a turtle ate my wife." Vega corrected him. I wasn't really sure on how Vega knew Guatamalin as she barley even knew Spanish and she was Hispanic.

"Well that's sad but hilarious."Sikowitz said before laughing like the maniac he was.

"Hey what you got there?" Robbie asked before Andre then Rex decided too annoyingly ask the same exact question.

"This is a one cup coffee maker a gift to me from our esteemed principle." Sikowitz said seeming way to into this thing. It could have at least made two cups of coffee since no one in their right mind is only gonna have one cup of coffee in the morning.

"What is it your birthday or something?" I asked not really caring enough about him to know any of the important days in his life. 

"My anniversary, 10 years teaching here at Hollywood Arts." Sikowitz said proudly which was honestly quite sad since this really wasn't much of an accomplishment more like somewhere where losers go to spend the rest of their lives. Everyone cheered though for his sad accomplishment as he took a bow. 

"What it's your ten year anniversary teaching here and they gave you a one cup coffee maker." Vega asked seeming as if she seemed bad for this accomplished manchild.

"Well it might not be much but as they say in Guatamla. Marbeda atberme astose." Sikowitz said.

"That means I forgot to wear underwear." Tori corrected as I just put my hand in front of face in pure humiliation from him but seriously though how does she know Guatamalin.

"Are you sure? Cause I thought..." Sikowitz said as he began to open his pants up as he looked down there to see whether or not he had put underwear on. "Ahh it does." Sikowitz said looking back up and letting go of his pants.

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