Chapter 6

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Everything was going perfectly between me and Vega, and in all honesty I was begging to feel like I had found my soulmate. I know, I know it was to early in life to tell and I sounded foolish for thinking this but in all honesty I didn't care what others thought as long as I had Tori in my arms I just knew that everything would turn out all right.

It was Thursday and we where all in the stage room reharsing the play Tori was the lead and I of course was the leads main love interest. Originally Tori's main love interest was going to be played by Beck but let's just say that I could be really persuasive when I wanted too.

"Ready action!" The stage teacher had said signaling us to start and for Sinjin to deem the lights.

"I don't know." Tori began the play.

"Oh come on, why can't you admit that your in love with me." Robbie began his part seeming kind of iffy with his lines honestly it shocked me how he was able to get this part I mean he wasn't rich and he defiantly wasn't good at acting.

"Why are you in love with me?" Tori asked showing off how much of a perfect actress she could be which made my love for her only begin to blossom more.

"Because your beautiful look at your face in the moonlights." Robbie spook his next part somehow being worst then he was with his previous lines. I just stood their flabbergasted with how Robbie could be so bad at acting, I mean I was begging to wonder if listens from Trina would help any. And trust me when it came down to people you should never take singing lessons from Trina was definitely in the very top of that list. 

"I cant." Tori said pretending like she was staring directly into the moonlight.

"You can." Robbie said and honestly I was begging to feel myself drift off into sleep. 

"No a person can't look at their own face that's impossible." Tori explained to Robbie.

"Then marry me and I'll buy you a thousand mirrors." Robbie said trying way to hard with his lines, man did this guy need acting lessons. 

'How did no one better try out?' I thought as Robbie said his line.

"But that's so many." Tori said acting as if she genuily didn't want Robbie to spend any money on her.

"My father's a billionaire. I can give you everything you've ever wanted and I'm very good looking." Robbie protested.

Tori looked up at him in disquist since not even the best actress could pretend to find Robbie good looking "mhmm yeah" Tori said as it was clear that she did not find Robbie good looking at all. 

"And lights go." The teacher said signaling for my turn to begin as the stage light begin to deem down on me. 

"I don't know." Tori began our part.

"It's ok that you don't know." I began my lines.

"But you deserve an answer." Tori said looking down at her script for help.

"I can wait." I said shrugging nonchalantly. "For you I would wait a thousand years." I told Tori and even though it was scripted I really did mean it I would wait a thousand years if that's what it took for her to feel a portion of the way that I did for her.

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