Chapter 30

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"I don' t want to argue with you I just want us to be happy." Came my girlfriend's voice from up on stage.

"What she say?" Andre asked not being able to hear since they had buckets on their heads.

"What he say?" Tori asked not being able to hear Andre.

After a while Sikowitz had stopped them since they kept bumping into each other and causing a disturbance.

"See not so easy to perform the scene if you have a bucket on your head is it?" Sikowitz said as he walked up on stage and wrapped his arms around Tori and Andre.

"No." Tori said.

"It's difficult." Andre agreed before Tori and Andre took their seats. Tori's of course being right next to mine and Andre's being who cares where. I wrapped my arm around Tori as we just looked at eachohter lovingly.

"Yes well class dismissed." Sikowitz said about five minutes into class which lead me to being confused.

"But we still have more time." I reminded Sikowitz.

"We do? How much?" Sikowitz had said sounding surprised.

Robbie looked at his phone "Fifety five minutes." Robbie informed Sikowitz.

"Oh..." Sikowitz said looking down clearly not have planned anything that he wanted to teach us "Ohh.." Sikowitz said getting overly excited over an idea that he probably just got to teach us. "I actually do have something I wanna discuss with some of you." Sikowitz said gesturing towards the main students. "Tori, Cat, Andre, Robbie, Jade please stay. The rest of you may wonder the halls." Sikowitz said opening the door for them causing the rest of the class to run out in excitement, I probably would to if I was getting over an hour of break time. "Enjoy your day. Thanks for coming. I'm here all week. Tip your nurses and clowns." Sikowitz had said to the rest of the students as they left.

"Why did you make them leave." Cat said as I went back to being distracted by Tori's perfection kissing her gently resulting in a kiss back. The kisses had slowly grown into a full on make out session as Tori began to straddle my lip, my dick pressing up against her pussy as we just droned out the voices of everyone else in the class. I split away from Vega for a moment of air after hearing Sikowitz ask who liked parades to inform him that no one liked parades. I then went back to making out with my girlfriend heatedly drowning everyone else out again.

"Would you guys like to build a float and do a little song in the parade?" Sikowitz voice came interrupting mine and Vega's session again so I pushed Tori out of my lap and to the seat next to me gentle.

"I'm willing to do anything as long as I can do it with my little princess baby." I said wrapping my arm around Vega's seat and looking at her lovingly.

"Ahh, how cute and I'm willing to do anything as long as it's with my Jadey Wadey bear." Tori said as she bobbed my nose playfully getting me to act like I was gonna bite her finger playfully. "I love you my Jadey Wadey bear." Tori said as she leaned over to kiss me.

"I love you too my little demon." I said kissing her back. Now if you know me you would know that I typically don't act like that but with the happiness that I had felt getting MY Tori back it was nearly impossible not to act all lovey dovey with her.

"So would you guys do it?" Sikowitz asked us causing all of us to say no. "For sweet daddy Sikowtiz." Sikowitz pleaded.

"Sorry but me and Jade have a special date planned tonight for just the two of us." Tori said as she moved a little bit closer to me making up an excuse for why we couldn't go.

"Ok if you don't wanna be in Hollywood where a bunch of Hollywood producers and casting directors would see you that cooldi do with me." Sikowitz said making sure that we got the point across.

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