Chapter 8

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It was a hot day in Las Vegas, we could feel the sun melting our skin as several of us began to sweat. Of course, I wasn't one of those unlucky people since I didn't sweat because I hated sweating. It was about 103 degrees outside and I felt like I was dying. I was walking up to the table that I just saw Cat sit on and I decided to plop myself next to Tori and wrap my arm around her waist. 

"Robbie, you done with that water?" I asked Robbie as I was sitting down. 

"No." Robbie said as he grabbed his water and held it to him defensively.

"Give it to me." I demanded from Robbie.

"Alright." Robbie said as he handed it over to me and I eagerly grabbed it before taking a huge sip from it. Moments later Tori began to feel up my muscles.

"That's right Vega I know you love my muscles." I whispered into her ear seductively as I began to moan gently.

"Your not sweating." Tori said ignoring my comment as she pulled back from me.

"ah ha." I told her as I took a quick sneak at her breast before looking back up causing Tori to try and feel me up again.

"Not that I don't enjoy this but do you mind doing this later in my bedroom." I asked Tori as I winked at her signaling that I was talking about sex.

"How can you not be sweating." Tori asked me as she pulled back once more.

"I don't sweat." I told Tori truthfully surprised that she didn't pick that up about me yet. 

"Everyone sweats." Tori said clearly not believing me.

"Not Jade." Beck said backing me up.

"Jade never sweats." Robbie said backing me up as well.

"But you could try making me sweat in the bedroom." I told Tori as my eyes refocused on her breast.

"My eyes are up here." She told me clearly annoyed with me.

"Yeah but the view is down there." I told her with a suggestive smile as she just smacked my arm playfully. 

"What's up amigos, amigirls?" Andre asked as he walked towards us with some money in his hand.

"What's all that money for?" Cat asked Andre.

"Me." Andre said as he began fanning himself with the money. "I set up a kiddie pool over there and I'm charging people five bucks for five minutes." Andre said pointing towards the kiddie pool where Sinjin was playing around in. "Sinjin you have three more minutes!" Andre yelled over at Sinjin. 

"Ok!" Sinjin yelled back at him as he began flapping around in the water. 

"Is it true that sweat and pee are like cousins?" Cat asked as she emphasized the word cousins.

"What now?" Andre asked confused as to what Cat was talking about, everyone else at the table seemed to be confused but I wasn't since it was Cat that had made the comment.

"Man how long is this heat wave gonna last?" Beck asked.

"I'm not your future teller!" I told Beck angrily.

"I just wanted to know." Beck said lifting his hands up defensively.

"Well find someone else to tell you then." I told him angrily.

"Wow, it's up to 106 in the valley." Robbie said glancing down at his pearpad getting a groan from each of us.

"Hey check Vinice Beach." Beck instructed Robbie.

"Ok" Robbie said flipping through his pear pad. "Vinice is only 91 degrees." Robbie said as he looked back up at us. 

"Huh let's go to Vinece." Tori said as she lifted her head off the table. 

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